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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My Reason for the Push of Graphics

Alrighty lets get this straight. It's MY reason. I' am not accounting everyone who prefer some photo realistic gaming. This is just some things I think many gamers need to think about. I' am not meaning to troll at all, but just a forewarning there is a little wii bashing. Ok, got it? Lets move into the topic at hand.

I have seen many "Why do people strive for better graphics" Threads around. Many times I have given the reply to get closer to Avalon. Avalon kind of like virtual reality taken a step further into something known as Simulated reality. The easiest way I can explain simulated reality is The Matrix. The reason I refer it to Avalon is because Avalon suppose to be a Simulated Reality war game, not an entire universe. Basicly a Game, not a complete other life within Simulated Reality.

Something such as Avalon is will require a massive amount of processing power. This is where games nowadays come in. The more games we have pushing the limits of a processers capabilities the higher demand there is going to be for a better peice of hardware. The faster these things are made the faster we get to Avalon. Simple. I want to be able to die knowing I was able to experience it just once.

Many argue that they prefer stylized games. I honestly like both to a certain degree. I love Valkyria Chronicles with all my heart, and I love MGS4 just as much. I beleive there needs to be a slight imbalance however with styalized vs photo realistic. I beleive that 3/4 should be photo realistic because that is giving us the technology. 1/4 should be stylized because that is keeping our nice art feel to everything and we would get bored if everything was the same.

Who says all Simulated Reality games need to be photorealistic? I would love to play in a game where I and the world around me is cel-shaded. When Avalon does arrive is when I would enjoy a perfect balance between stylized and photo realistic. The only reason I would like most games to strive for photorealism is cause until we do get to that point I would like a boost to get there.

Here comes the wii bashing part so if you're gonna get offended, you can skip the black highlighted.

Some of you might know me from other threads although I highly doubt it considering my post count, however those that do know I simply don't like the wii. I despise it's existance. The reason being though is because it simply is not pushing what can be done. Now im worried that It will slow down the progess getting to Avalon. I'm worried next Gen companies might look at the wii and go, " hmm I don't think we need to focus as much as we have been on graphics." If nintendo has made its system just as powerful as the others or even close I wouldn't care so much. ( This is off topic but for those of you wondering I only have 1 more reason and that only a few games appeal to me on it)

I' am afraid this might become a new mind set. I like stylized games, I love them. I would be pissed if developers stopped making them, but to further progess ourselves we also need include these graphically driven games.

Anyway that's that. I would like to leave you with a few thoughts. Can you imagine playing in .Hack and actually being in "The World", how about actually being in the car of a Gran Turismo game driving 170 and drifting without the fear of dying. The fear of playing Call of Duty knowing your oppenent is around the corner. How about being able to fight someone ala Fight Club and going to work the next day without a scratch on your body. 

The thought of doing these things get my blood pumping on what could be....that's my reason for wanting to push developers and hardware makers to do the limits.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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Even if consoles slow down the increase of graphics power, there is always the PC that will push graphics. Actually consoles don't really seem to get there faster. It is PC that pushes it. As far as I see it PC games will always do that even if the whole industry is filled with wiis. Also you have to note that after a while consoles will be so behind compared to PC that console manufacturers will try to catch up.(They will start to lose an audience that wants High End graphics, and the mainstream gamer would probably notice a difference). So I don't see your point on the Wii slowing down this drive to "Avalon" when no matter what happens things will keep going at the same pace(well there are things that need to be overcome like Moore's law). Also I don't think this "Avalon" will happen in the lifetime of anybody alive right now unless a revelation in computer technology happens. This means that any knowledge video game developement as it exists right now is probably useless anyway.

yep yep agreed computers are much better, but you really do have to look at the minds of the stock holders and money to look at these things. Many people go for that quick buck. Something computer developers might notice. I do however think Avalon will be possible. Look at the Atari and 30 years later look at us now.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Theres more to driving this push towards avalon than just graphics, you also need to drive forward the human machine interface. It may not be spectacular, but the wii is the first platform that really strives to introduce new, more natural control into the mainstream market

when this comes into play I'm not really concerned with a hand held device. I'm going to be jacked into something.

Also my main focus is not why I hate they Wii, the main focus is why I' am pushing for these graphics. Just a simple explanation of why we need photorealism games, and as stated stylized as well. Not trying to get in an argument, what i really want to brew up for this is the ideas you guys can come up with if we do get into something like this like my last paragragh.

Who remembers Rez last gen? That would be a TRIP to expereince that yourself.


CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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What about interactive movie games? Are those "graphics" good enough for you? True Avalon?

btw quite stupid thread or you've explained your point very poorly, lost my time reading this.

mai said:
What about interactive movie games? Are those "graphics" good enough for you? True Avalon?

btw quite stupid thread or you've explained your point very poorly, lost my time reading this.

How exactly is it stupid? What is so hard to understand. Evidently you didn't read anything. I want BOTH types of games not just graphics. I explained why graphic focused games are necsacarry to move forward and why I prefer the majority of them to be the main focus of the industry.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

You can't blame the Wii for not pushing graphics you need to blame yourself and your fellow gamer.

If you want to get to Avalon as soon as possible you need to be buying the lastest offerings from Nvidia and ATI everytime a new model graphics card is released. You need to make sure you and your fellow gamers are purchasing the latest software from developers like Crytek and not pirating.

If everyone who bought a 360 or PS3 would be willing to buy 2-4 graphics cards every 6 months I'm sure you'll reach Avalon in no time. You could just skip buying graphics cards and give all your money to Nvidia instead.

Sorry I can't help, I'll probably be in the mushroom kingdom.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Pyro as Bill said:
You can't blame the Wii for not pushing graphics you need to blame yourself and your fellow gamer.

If you want to get to Avalon as soon as possible you need to be buying the lastest offerings from Nvidia and ATI everytime a new model graphics card is released. You need to make sure you and your fellow gamers are purchasing the latest software from developers like Crytek and not pirating.

If everyone who bought a 360 or PS3 would be willing to buy 2-4 graphics cards every 6 months I'm sure you'll reach Avalon in no time. You could just skip buying graphics cards and give all your money to Nvidia instead.

Sorry I can't help, I'll probably be in the mushroom kingdom.


Haha read this i havn't updated in a few weeks but here. ;)

Now imagine actually being in the mushroom kingdom! Hell yeah!

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

soulsamurai said:
Pyro as Bill said:
You can't blame the Wii for not pushing graphics you need to blame yourself and your fellow gamer.

If you want to get to Avalon as soon as possible you need to be buying the lastest offerings from Nvidia and ATI everytime a new model graphics card is released. You need to make sure you and your fellow gamers are purchasing the latest software from developers like Crytek and not pirating.

If everyone who bought a 360 or PS3 would be willing to buy 2-4 graphics cards every 6 months I'm sure you'll reach Avalon in no time. You could just skip buying graphics cards and give all your money to Nvidia instead.

Sorry I can't help, I'll probably be in the mushroom kingdom.


Haha read this i havn't updated in a few weeks but here. ;)

Maybe you should forget about building a PC and use that money as a donation to Nvidia instead. Or sell Wiis on Ebay at Christmas and give the profits to Nvidia. That way the Wii will probably help more than any other console to get to Avalon. Oh the irony.


Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!