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Even if consoles slow down the increase of graphics power, there is always the PC that will push graphics. Actually consoles don't really seem to get there faster. It is PC that pushes it. As far as I see it PC games will always do that even if the whole industry is filled with wiis. Also you have to note that after a while consoles will be so behind compared to PC that console manufacturers will try to catch up.(They will start to lose an audience that wants High End graphics, and the mainstream gamer would probably notice a difference). So I don't see your point on the Wii slowing down this drive to "Avalon" when no matter what happens things will keep going at the same pace(well there are things that need to be overcome like Moore's law). Also I don't think this "Avalon" will happen in the lifetime of anybody alive right now unless a revelation in computer technology happens. This means that any knowledge video game developement as it exists right now is probably useless anyway.