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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who's the best tomb raider? Lara or Nathan?

I would much rather watch a new Tomb Raider movie starring Lucy Pinder as Lara Croft than an Uncharted movie starring Johnny Knoxville as Nathan Drake.


My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

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Nathan would spend hours trying to open up a cave that was sealed for 2,000 years. When he finally gets inside, the badguys are already inside with machine gun turrets set up (Bad Guys: Good thing, they Mayans left the backdoor wide open. Saved us hours of exploring...Hey! That's Drake!!! KILL HIM!!")!!

That never happens to Lara.

Lara Croft owns Nathan

Nathan Drake slaps the shit out of Lara Croft. I've said this before, but Uncharted: Drakes Fortune does what Tomb Raider games have unsuccessfully tried to do for years.

Lara Croft....hands down.

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How can anyone like something that barely resembles a human being? Lara looks like an NXE avatar with more detail on the chest and ass.


Indiana Jones.

man, I am going to have to buy uncharted. I tried holding out for the second release and have an all day or two gaming fest with the games.

Uncharted is a much better game than any TR game

Since Lara played Tomb Raider while Nathan is only a game character in the "Uncharted" series that has nothing to do with the "Tomb Raider" series, then I guess Lara wins by Default.

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