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Forums - Website Topics - Weekly Poll: How would you describe 2008?


How would you describe 2008?

Best Year Ever! 363 19.73%
Meh...just another year. 658 35.76%
It turned out just like I thought it would. 297 16.14%
Can't wait for it to be over. 308 16.74%
I thought it was still 2007. 214 11.63%

DaveD, it was certainly NOT your place to correct me, as you were the one who showed me disrespect in the first place...

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

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allaboutthegames885 said:
DaveD, it was certainly NOT your place to correct me, as you were the one who showed me disrespect in the first place...



sorry i have the habit of being a grammar nazi sometimes @_@

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



@ DaveD: So you are not denying that you were being disrespectful?

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

Alright guys, just hug it out and get on with your lives.

allaboutthegames885 said:
@ DaveD: So you are not denying that you were being disrespectful?



not intentionally :/

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



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I'll hug, then... I'm sorry if I sounded a bit hacked off at you, but it's not you I'm mad at: it's those damn Club Nintendo assholes I'm mad at, for making me wait five hours to confirm my membership...

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

allaboutthegames885 said:
Well I'll hug, but only if he either agrees to show more respect to these forums or, if he didn't mean any disrespect, apologizes for sounding disrespectful in the first place...


Sorry that I was disrespectful and I'll be more careful of other people's feeling in the future

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



i took some major steps in my life this year like quitting my job so i can study, quitting smoking, loosing my driving license due to driving without insurance ( idiot move by me), i broke up with my girlfriend that i almost married, i met another girl, and loads of other stuff i forgot, 2007 was none event year for me, all i did was go to america for a month then come back to UK, then buy a wii, that is it.

gaming wise it was really fun year, i played some great games like no more heroes, SSBB, dead space, prince of Persia, mass effect, fallout 3, call of duty world at war, final fantasy 4 and my most played game and my favorite game of the year Mario kart wii, about 50% of my gaming was mario kart wii, still i think 2007 was better gaming year.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Club Nintendo is still keeping me waiting, in case you needed to know...

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

The games have been really 'meh' for me this year, with the exceptions of Left 4 Dead and Brawl. I'm probably forgetting one or two though. I've mostly stuck to the old mainstays (Valve games) and replaying old ones.

The first half of the year non-gaming wise was kinda meh...although my job during the summer was cool and was a good experience. The best thing that happened to me though was in the last third of the year...getting to know my wonderful gf ^__^