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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii number exchange (ongoing)

I've added you WiiGirl, and I agree. When I was inputting names, it made me sad to cut some short. My console and Mii's names are Delta, but DeltaXIII would work too.


Around the Network

Thanks! Have dropped you in the list as well as DeltaXIII;) By the way, the updating is not accurate, I see people posting their codes which are not added on the front page ;)

Also added Darknight and llewdebkram, only without the "m" your nickname is taking too much space :D The quote in Are you a gay, priceless :D

This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*

I'll add you too Wiigirl, you got mario strikers btw?

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


I don' have any VGC mods (except DKII) wii number yet.
Hey mods, please give me your wii number!

Deegan said:
Hey Shams, I can't connect with your wii since last month. Did you change your wii?

Yes! Nintendo sent along a new Wii, after the whole engagement debacle. See above - I guess most people have missed my post, no one has updated my Wiicode yet :(

See the first/main post. I guess you need to delete me, then re-add me?


I will update the Wiicode list now.


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Around the Network

Hi all,

The main Wiicode list has been updated.

Also - I have marked on the list any people who have said they have Strikers. This way we can try and arrange matches. Either post here, or PM me if you own the game - and want me to update the main list (not sure how necessary it is, but it may be useful?).


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

is this the current list?
Shams: 5046 6523 5307 6969

Kwaad: 1101 7073 4272 7871

staticneuron: 3055 0871 5802 1723

Superchunk: 7989 6282 3458 7788

Truthsayer: 7135 7412 5666 2774

DKII: 6377-1619-8528-1593

Darkside: 6296-3983-4657-1527

(new!) llewdebkram:1102 3632 3125 6229

(new!) xstonexcold316x (spence1325): 8145 8236 1221 1013

(new!) dpmnymkrprez: 8450 8432 9764 8336

(new!) blex: 3598 1817 7961 3393

(new!) mancandy: 8761 5941 4718 0078

The main list is on the first page...  So add me to your Wii please! :)



Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

shams said:

This has been done on a few other boards, and I thought it would be a good time to set it up here.

Wii owners can post their Wii address codes, and we can add each other for some online Mii exchanging, chatting & (eventually) online gaming.

For this to work, you have to add the relevent users to your Wii system - and then they have to add you. I will maintain a list of all Wiicode / handles here (i.e. continuously update this first post with any Wii codes posted further down).

S** Shams: 2263 4706 2910 1099 (* updated)

*** Kwaad: 1101 7073 4272 7871

*** staticneuron: 3055 0871 5802 1723

*** Superchunk: 7989 6282 3458 7788

*** Truthsayer: 7135 7412 5666 2774

*** DKII: 6377-1619-8528-1593

*** Darkside: 6296-3983-4657-1527

*** llewdebkram:1102 3632 3125 6229

*** Spence1325: 8145 8236 1221 1013

*** dpmnymkrprez: 8450 8432 9764 8336

*** blex: 3598 1817 7961 3393

*** mancandy: 8761 5941 4718 0078

S** Deegan: 0376-7144-1373-5556

*** Neos: 2972 9685 9128 1859

*** (new!) ddobson: 0119 4300 6847 9981

*** (new!) DeltaXIII: 3428 9560 0800 9576

*** (new!) Darklight_DS: 8661 9460 7412 4018

*** (new!) gamingdevil: 4501 2902 9067 9305

*** (new!) Wiigirl76: 1086 2274 0820 3647


I have added a new feature. The '***' will represent which ONLINE games the user owns/plays. Each letter will represent a particular game (just added 3 characters to make some space for now).

'S' = Mario Strikers 


(* - anyone who had my old Wii code, please delete it - and replace it with the new code. A new Wii means a new Wii code is needed!).


Good idea with the code! But I don't have Mario Strikers yet, Shams. I'll tell you if I'd got it. I have changed your wii number into the new one.

And for dpmnymkrprez (OMG, did you fill that nickname by punch all your keyboard button simulenously?), shams had changed his wii number. And please add me, because your color name still grey in my Wii!

I have now added wiigirl76 and gamingdevil.

hope you added me too

(updated your number shams and it's still grey)

Wii ID: 3598-1817-7961-3393. PM me if you want an add

If it wasnt for MGS4, the PS3 is unnecessary