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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony: Shoddy machines won't grow the market

Jasper may of course though the chance of RROD for it should be quite low, although reading about your luck on electronics I wouldn't be surprised if the Valhalla (ducktaping both chips together) RRODed on you.

I'm not experienced on how Read Disc Errors work but in general I'm guessing that's due to the laser crapping out. Which is always a possibility on any console, if you're worried than don't play DVDs on it. They stress the laser more than a game, if you're waiting for SO4 and are worried about hardware reliability, than you might as well wait a little bit for the new chip that might come next year or for Jasper results to surface.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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axumblade said:
Sony really shouldn't be making cheap shots. I love the PS3 hardware but I am starting to get more and more annoyed by their arrogance.

As much as I hate David Reeves and Aaron Greenberg, Nintendo is way worse than either of them. I mean, they rarely even acknowledge Sony or Microsoft's existance, let alone talk trash about them. What a bunch of stuck up pricks. You'd almost think they were outselling their combined competition 2:1 or something...


d21lewis said:

Oh, Sony. Your cheap shots are what keep our relationship spicy after all these years!


See, the thread title makes it seem like Sony was making the factual claim that shit hardware won't/can't grow the market.  But it can, and it has.

In the actual quote from Sony they were just saying that they didn't want to sell at all costs including putting out shoddy hardware.  And the PS3 is very high quality hardware, so it's perfectly consistent.

badgenome said:
axumblade said:
Sony really shouldn't be making cheap shots. I love the PS3 hardware but I am starting to get more and more annoyed by their arrogance.

As much as I hate David Reeves and Aaron Greenberg, Nintendo is way worse than either of them. I mean, they rarely even acknowledge Sony or Microsoft's existance, let alone talk trash about them. What a bunch of stuck up pricks. You'd almost think they were outselling their combined competition 2:1 or something...



Sony actually sticks to talking about themselves more than Microsoft does, too.  Microsoft has a Napoleon complex.

Hey, when PS2 was demolishing everything, yeah, I bet some would want to call Sony stuck up pricks but not say it about Nintendo now.  But that would be inconsistent.

Both of the Japanese companies would rather talk about's kind of funny sometimes.

^ Sony as a whole does, but David Reeves talks a ton of shit about Microsoft.

Actually, he just talks a ton of shit in general.

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@toastboy - 80 million dollars for the lost and the damned.

@badgenome: Yeah, I think it's easy to find dumb shit said by the various spokespeople for the companies.  And cutting remarks against other companies probably do more harm than good in terms of goodwill.

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:


Sony actually sticks to talking about themselves more than Microsoft does, too. Microsoft has a Napoleon complex.

Sony PR people lie a lot more. BLatent lies compared to MS. MS says, "we're kicking sony's ass 2-to-1" and it is generally true when they say it.

Sony says, "we're 300k ahead" and that's just a lie. Or "if you can find a PS3, I'll give you $1200" when the PS3 wasn't sold out almost at all during launch.

axumblade said:
badgenome said:
^ Sony as a whole does, but David Reeves talks a ton of shit about Microsoft.

Actually, he just talks a ton of shit in general.

So on a scale of 1-10. 1 being Reggie and 10 being Cliffy B, where would David Reeves stand?


11. At least Cliffy made Gears!


Dianko said:
The Anarchyz said:
DirtyP2002 said:
another reason for not buying any sony products ever again.


Yeah, because Sony's failure rate on electronics is soo high that passes the failure rate of the Xbox, Xbox 360, Windows Vista, Windows XP Normal & SP1, Windows 2000 Normal Windows ME, Windows 98 Normal, Windows 95 Normal & A, Internet Explorer 3 & UP, Zune, etc...

Do i have to bring the "hypnotized by Microsoft" argument again???


I forgot, Sony doesn't ever have failures in their systems. No sir, those PS1's and PS2's in their early years were nothing short of the finest engineering the game industry has ever seen.

And it's not like Sony's been dogged the last couple years by having to recall hundreds of thousands (if not over a million by now) of fun little explosive fire catching lap top batteries. Oh wait....

Lesson learned: Everyone fucks up and don't be a hypocrite Reeves.


Did i said in my post that Sony hasn't fucked up??? no sir, i said that they don't have the failure rate Microsoft has...

There's only 4 companies i trusted almost blindly with hardware quality: Nintendo, Panasonic, ASUS and Intel (they've never failed me)... I'm just saying that Microsoft has a worse record than Sony but people forgives Microsoft more, i don't wanna be here the day Ninty brings a console that has a big failure rate, that would be the apocalypse, but with Microsoft is like "4th RROD, i'm going to buy an Elite now"...