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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony: Shoddy machines won't grow the market

@ badgenome: okay, his history doesn't speak in his favour, but the writers of the article seem to agree with him (don't know whether that site is considered biased or not).

And he does go on to congratulate both consoles.

Yet, everyone in this thread almost instantly and solely talks about the first line (attention span decreasing amongst people nowadays?)...

People here complain when one cherrypicks negative news. Same seems to be happening here, only focusing on his "potentially" bad news, ignoring his praise.

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badgenome said:
soulsamurai said:
can there not be a nice thing said? He's giving good comments, and yet everyones like OMG sony hate blah blah, he's such an ass knocking on the 360. He has given good comments to all systems and pointed out some cons.

360 - Great online however high failure rate
wii - brought lots of people in the market ( while im not sure the demographic is what i would like games to come from)

It's just that he's perpetually wrong. The PS1 and PS2 had tons of hardware trouble, but they definitely helped to expand the market. The PS3, while more reliable, seems to be massively overengineered, and such a machine has never expanded the market. This is just the latest example from the Great Gaffesby, because you can go through the archives and see the claims he's made about some sort of PS3 exclusive something or other for Mirror's Edge (turned out to be one time trial level, apparently), outselling Xbox 360 in Europe (perhaps a week later, we could see that they absolutely have not done so), and of course, that games don't matter since people will buy the Playstation because of its brand (lollerskates).

But, okay, he was rather charitable to the Wii. He should be, since Nintendo is kicking everyone's ASS.


I see i see, didn't really know history about the guy and yeah no denying the ps2 failures. It definently failed on me. I was so pissed too. I got GTA Vice City for christmas it was brand new. Thats when It really started bugging out on me. I didn't know how to fix consoles back then besides the occasional open it up and put rubbing alcohol on the lens.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Sony PR actually giving compliments? I guess I can attribute that to the spirit of Xmas, or trying to get off of Santa's naughty list so that he carries more PS3s in his sleigh. :)

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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Focus on other's weakness, not ours.

They're trying to make sure the failure rate is just 2 or 3 percent? Shouldn't they really be aiming for 0%? Or are they simply happy with some people getting faulty products? Oh well, at least its not as bad as Microsoft.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

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He was always going to be slightly humble.

Like they say

"When your hands caught in the mincer. Dont be unkind about the butchers daughter."

whacker41 said:
They're trying to make sure the failure rate is just 2 or 3 percent? Shouldn't they really be aiming for 0%? Or are they simply happy with some people getting faulty products? Oh well, at least its not as bad as Microsoft.

It's close to impossible to have a product that has a 0% percent failure rate, it's just the way the electronics industry is.  I'm sure they're striving for 0% but what they realistically want is a percentage as close to 0 as possible.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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He's got a good point, the ps2 never expanded the market the way the ps3 has...

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

actually he said nine things about nintendo..

not so great about 360 but if not like rrod doens't exist.

but they got the shoddy story too, first year of ps2 was bad i heard, nothing i experience though, i bought my ps3 ps2 in it third year.

and still works now.

this is probably a response to "2005 tech in 2008"


PR at it finest hahaha.

damn we will never have a PR that its nice, nintendo was dangerous in the 90s, sony for over a decade.

EDIT: PS2 third year.

The best bit in my mind:

"Our target this year is to break even, not on a cumulative basis, but on an operating business. Our point of view from the 100 markets we work in, we have PS2 which we’re making a profit on, PSP where we also make a profit, and PS3 where, if we just look at it in Euro terms, we are in a profit on software even though we still make a loss on hardware. It’s likely we will get into profit in Europe this year. So SCEE is a solid, safe pair of hands for SCE."

So in Europe, they MAY mnage to profit from the PS3 business (HW+SW) this year.

I think that should put down any eejit who thinks the PS3 hardware is somehow making profit.