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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do some people really still think that Little Big Planet didnt sell well?

You're still embarassing yourself.

You know the real deal. You know the gaming community. You know what was LBP before release.
You know Sony was betting big on LBP to gain PS3 market share during this Holiday.

Stop acting like a young schoolboy.
Grow up kid.


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it's at 16.49£ in .Apparently retailers are trying to get rid of the stock.

Neoraf said:

You're still embarassing yourself.

You know the real deal. You know the gaming community. You know what was LBP before release.
You know Sony was betting big on LBP to gain PS3 market share during this Holiday.

Stop acting like a young schoolboy.
Grow up kid.


 aparrantly you didn't know sony expectations of the game was less than 2.5million.... now stop talking about things you don't know

Neoraf said:


LBP and R2 don't have stronger boost sales than Fable2 and Gears2 right now.
Look at the data:

GAME: (NA Last week) - (NA This week) [ % boost ] (TOTAL NA SALES)

  • LBP: (44k) - (61k) [ 28 % ] (0,58m)
  • R2: (39k) - (53k) [ 26 % ] (0,50m)
  • Gears 2: (119k) - (158k) [ 33 % ] (2,27m)
  • Fable 2: (45k) - (68k) [ 34 % ] (1,25m)

Hell, even these games have a stronger Holiday boost than the flagship PS3 games:
(Note that these two games have smaller overall sales than LBP and R2)

  • Lips: (42k) - (68k) [ 38 % ] (0,17m)
  • Banjo-Kazooie N&B: (38k) - (57k) [ 33 % ] (0.24m)

(All these games released in the same period)


Remind me never to trust your posts again.

I got LBP for 40 bucks on Amazon. That being said, during the holiday season it's hard to draw any firm conclusions about special pricing and overall sales performance. I've seen great deals on Left4Dead, CoD5 (ps3 & 360) and Gears2. Everything goes on sale this time of the year.

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fulcizombie said:
it's at 16.49£ in .Apparently retailers are trying to get rid of the stock.


 maybe you've heard of a thing called christmas? one of the busiest shopping times of the year... ring any bells? If retailers arent competitive with price then they wont get many sales... any of this making sense to you?

Last year hd-dvd players were 200 dollars.... anything?

yeah its sold great for a new ip and it doesnt stop i believe theres more coming

kabhold said:
Neoraf said:


LBP and R2 don't have stronger boost sales than Fable2 and Gears2 right now.
Look at the data:

GAME: (NA Last week) - (NA This week) [ % boost ] (TOTAL NA SALES)

  • LBP: (44k) - (61k) [ 28 % ] (0,58m)
  • R2: (39k) - (53k) [ 26 % ] (0,50m)
  • Gears 2: (119k) - (158k) [ 33 % ] (2,27m)
  • Fable 2: (45k) - (68k) [ 34 % ] (1,25m)

Hell, even these games have a stronger Holiday boost than the flagship PS3 games:
(Note that these two games have smaller overall sales than LBP and R2)

  • Lips: (42k) - (68k) [ 38 % ] (0,17m)
  • Banjo-Kazooie N&B: (38k) - (57k) [ 33 % ] (0.24m)

(All these games released in the same period)


Remind me never to trust your posts again.


 hilarious... i missed that post. and he said i was embarrassing myself

for the billionth time, Amazon prices don't reflect market values at all. they are famous for their random 80% off sales that last 2 hours

Wait... did I made a mistake?
I let the numbers speak.

Was that my mistake?

My post was an answer to Bboid who wrote this:

"If you look at the sales trend compared with 360 exclusive games released the relative same time (Fable2, gears 2), LBP and R2 are selling a bit better as the weeks progress. I'm beginning to believe this "increase" (if we can call it that) in sales is probably due to late adopters who are picking up these games late due to other releases or were uneasy about previews for the game."


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