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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy haeresis XIII

Soriku said:
Plush dolls? Maybe only Legendia. Have you taken a look at the rest? They certainly don't look at plush dolls :P

Also, VP2 had some great graphics...but not on par with HD titles XD

A PS3 VP is probably a no unless they decide to make SO4 multiplatform. Assuming it doesn't go multiplatform it'll either be 360 exclusive since tri-Ace has made some 360 games but if SO4 goes multiplatform then PS3/360 (but I doubt they'll put a small series like VP on the HD consoles....especially when a great deal of sales come from Japan) has a chance or the Wii (very likely considering it's small so lower costs, sells best in Japan where the Wii is doing good, and since there's a DS one).

1. yeah legendia characters look like freaking plush dolls in-game, but when it goes all anime they look...well....anime overall though its to cutesy. :/

2.  Okaaaaaaaaaaay...Maybe i overreacted a little on VP2... but when i first played the game back in 2006 i thought it was the most beautiful game graphics-wise @ the time not even Final Fantasy 12 could stand up to it IMO in-game...

3. So PS3 has the least chance unless SO4 goes mutli-platform eh? ... now ima sad... T_T and if it did go to wii that would be a nightmare even more so then the 360 for me personally because i'd have to be force to buy a Wii because i MUST and WILL play all Valkyrie Profile games, which is one of the reasons why ima get a DS... but i just cant see owning a Console this gen thats not HD...i feel so dirty if it isnt 720P at the very least... T_T


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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

and @SC9- yeah, your list and opinion sounds more correct then mine. gj. and WTFLOL!!! 31 titles on the DS? holy SHAT!!! O_O


Actually it is probably more than 31 titles since I noticed some games missing like that Blood of Bahamaut. I think there are some games missing for all of them though.

@Claude I'm just going off wikipedia. From what I can tell from the external links, they think Rapture is the mmo that was previously announced for the PS3 and PC. I do agree though, they can't tell for sure because the PS3 version could have been cancelled, or it could be a different game altogether. Anway I guess that means 3 PS3 games.

@Soriku- lol!!! poor numora. XD but long do you think Versus will take? to you expect it to be shorter then regular XIII or what? cause it doesnt look that way...

Infact we the fans, already named it Taking Forever Fantasy XIII titles. for obvious reasons.

and @SC9- Huhhhh? Wal O' Text DO NOT WANT!!!! >_>

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
@Soriku- lol!!! poor numora. XD but long do you think Versus will take? to you expect it to be shorter then regular XIII or what? cause it doesnt look that way...

Infact we the fans, already named it Taking Forever Fantasy XIII titles. for obvious reasons.

and @SC9- Huhhhh? Wal O' Text DO NOT WANT!!!! >_>

It basically says that the Wii has 2 significant exclusives. It explains why Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:The Crystal Bearers is considered significant by comparing it  to another title you consider as significant, star ocean 4. Both series have similar sales, and reviews. So I mentioned the quality and quantity as being similar meaning if Star Ocean 4 is considered significant then so is Crystal Bearers. Sorry about the wall of text. (:


@SC9- Ahh okay i see now, lol and np the Wall will always show up once in awhile. :D

I dont mean to be rude but...I've... Never heared of Crytal bearers before and i owned both a gamecube and a PS2 last gen...?

But i'll take your word for it, though as a buddy im letting ya know now that im bias towards HD graphics, i love teh pretty colors alot.

I understand what your saying in Quality though. :P

So does this mean PS3 is screwed? ;_;

Well aslong as we get Versus XIII at all costs im still happy, since Versus Looks like to be a Interactive Advent Chieldren. n_n

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@Soriku- ... Uhm ... O rly? O_o and about VP...NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ;_;

Meh read the entire thread lol so I'll butt in.

Just putting my 2 cents in.

I Think Haeresis is going to be Multiplat ps3, 360, and PC. They have Crystal Tools now, and Rapture is supposedly only a code name. I have been keeping my eye on Rapture for a long ass time now cause i loved FFXI. Hopefully Haeresis is Rapture, any news on that to me is good news. Every bit means they're closer to completing it.

As for the whole argument was thing. 95% of what Seraphic is saying I agree with. We all expected FFXIII to be ps3 exclusives and showed not a single hint of 360 in its grasp until E3.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

@Soriku- Well...i guess if i can find Vesperia @ a decent cost...but after i get that and Star Ocean 4 NOTHING ELSE!!! XD it would be blasphemy. :D

And uh... WTF is crystal bearers? did i miss a Final Fantasy between all the XIII's? O_o

Oh and this is an example of what my first tales gaming was like...

@Seraphic I think Square Enix is trying to gets itself situated on consoles, which they haven't been doing really. The 360 is much easier to develop for, and they probably want to start situating themselves early. That is why there are alot of Time-Exclusives. Then they also want to see how well each HD Console performs by itself. That is why there are exclusives along with multiplats. Also the more they use crystal tools the better and faster they could make a game multiplat(eventually no more late port to PS3). I think almost all the newer games to be multiplat between the PS3 and 360 once they get more settled.(still heavily handheld based).

Then they also have the Wii. I think most decisions are going to be whether they should put a game on Wii exclusively or PS360 as a multiplat. Overall all consoles will probably be supported. The ps3 will probably have less Square Enix games than the 360 though because of the rough start that. The Wii will probably have the most because it is more welcoming to niche titles with its wide varied userbase. I think square enix will stay focused on handhelds though until the new ones come out. All consoles will get a good number of Square Enix games, and none of them will be "screwed".

soulsamurai said:
Meh read the entire thread lol so I'll butt in.

Just putting my 2 cents in.

I Think Haeresis is going to be Multiplat ps3, 360, and PC. They have Crystal Tools now, and Rapture is supposedly only a code name. I have been keeping my eye on Rapture for a long ass time now cause i loved FFXI. Hopefully Haeresis is Rapture, any news on that to me is good news. Every bit means they're closer to completing it.

As for the whole argument was thing. 95% of what Seraphic is saying I agree with. We all expected FFXIII to be ps3 exclusives and showed not a single hint of 360 in its grasp until E3.

Lol, hey soul! :D and yeah agreed, Rapture could with ease be a code name for Haeresis, and i know how your looking forward to that one dude. :D

You agree with ONLY 95% i said? BLASPHEMY!!!! i demand to know what the other 5% is. :P

Also yes we all expected regular XIII to be Excluisive to PS3 when "Assumeing" was our downfall because we didnt notice that when Square Enix said "Coming to PS3" we didnt realize that they met only in japan cause we could ONLY ASSUME it'd stick with the playstation brand. O-well to that. XD