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Soriku said:
Plush dolls? Maybe only Legendia. Have you taken a look at the rest? They certainly don't look at plush dolls :P

Also, VP2 had some great graphics...but not on par with HD titles XD

A PS3 VP is probably a no unless they decide to make SO4 multiplatform. Assuming it doesn't go multiplatform it'll either be 360 exclusive since tri-Ace has made some 360 games but if SO4 goes multiplatform then PS3/360 (but I doubt they'll put a small series like VP on the HD consoles....especially when a great deal of sales come from Japan) has a chance or the Wii (very likely considering it's small so lower costs, sells best in Japan where the Wii is doing good, and since there's a DS one).

1. yeah legendia characters look like freaking plush dolls in-game, but when it goes all anime they look...well....anime overall though its to cutesy. :/

2.  Okaaaaaaaaaaay...Maybe i overreacted a little on VP2... but when i first played the game back in 2006 i thought it was the most beautiful game graphics-wise @ the time not even Final Fantasy 12 could stand up to it IMO in-game...

3. So PS3 has the least chance unless SO4 goes mutli-platform eh? ... now ima sad... T_T and if it did go to wii that would be a nightmare even more so then the 360 for me personally because i'd have to be force to buy a Wii because i MUST and WILL play all Valkyrie Profile games, which is one of the reasons why ima get a DS... but i just cant see owning a Console this gen thats not HD...i feel so dirty if it isnt 720P at the very least... T_T