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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy haeresis XIII

Well Soriku, ok why not, but please, can u tell us why?

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I've never even heard of Haephoustusmepthistophlies(?) Final Fantasy XIII, so I'm willing to bet its gonna be either crappy or in development for a long time. I'm gonna guess PS3 if its the developement time, but Square might have made the jump to 360 due to emdollarsign's alledged "ZOMG MONEYHATZ". Or PS3/360, doesn't much matter to me anymore since I own all 3 consoles. If it has been in dev a long time, I can expect it to be pretty good then. Although not hearing about it leads me to believe its either been canceled, had development problems, or is gonna be utter, unadulterated crap.

Why do I have a feeling its gonna be a card-based FFXIII game for the DS? 

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Ok that's what I thought ^^

Soriku said:
3. Well...I'd assume they wouldn't need to remind everyone it was PS3 exclusive WW since we all knew it already. It was basically just an upfront PS3 only.

4. Like I said before, I expect both the Wii and DS to get one when all is done.

3. Well you know what they say man, the word "Assume" is the ass of words. :P i think i've proven my point though.

4. Well i cant argue there, because the DS will likely get one. as for the Wii in my opinion a XIII title would be unlikely but fi they do expect to see "INNOVATION" over anything else, like using the Butt thing for....whoa......wait....... Deep thoughts there..... >_> Hmm......


Lol, aslong as it doesnt turn out to be like SoulCalibur Adventures, my girlfriends arm hurts everytime shes done playing that stupid thing.

And i find it unlikely as it being my opinion, i dunno it just feels..........Not Square Enixy. :P

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I think the Wii will NOT get Haeresis. I think Haeresis is for the DS.(name was patented right after SE started heavily supporting the DS). I think there is a fabula crystallis game in development for the Wii though. It will be announced right along a new Mana(Wii Exclusive), and Valkyrie Profile(either wii exclusive, or ps3/360 multiplat) title.

Square Enixy? O.o meaning they dont like doing things that make sense, more then lately now an days. :P

Regardless if it gets the more money or not, for example why wasnt Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII not for PS2?

And why wasnt Dissidia: Final Fantasy not a PSN exclusive with online play?

And why wasnt VII remade yet?

And why wasnt Agito made for PSP to BEGIN with?

Square Enix has been drinking to many potions lol. :D

Ouch, lol i'll give ya that one, infact i dont think i can beat that one.

You gotta admit though those are some pretty solid points eh? :I

At this point Square loves the PSP and the DS the most making Quality games for both left and right.

As for the consoles in terms of HD, they've been kissin MS's ass for awhile now.

PS3's only love is Versus XIII but thats better then nothing.

Wii just landed a Megaton with DQ X which was expected to be on the HD consoles or the DS.

So in my personal opinion the Percent would be...

DS & PSP 60%

Xbox 360 20%

PS3 10%

Wii 10%

At the very least thats close. its clear to say how there gaining money off the losses of HD creation.

Soriku said:
DQ X on the Wii makes sense :) They're not that retarded lol

Or DQIX for DS, Or Making ports and spinoffs(cheap way to make money), Or focusing on the DS the most this generation, or making spinoffs of FFVII and the ocassional tease of a FFVII remake to keep the hype up, or realising a demo of  a game that people have been anticipating for years now just so your Bluray movie sells better, or putting FFXIII multiplat on the 360(more sales), or tons of other things, or releasing KH spinoffs on very popular handhelds until (a) console(s) get(s) enough userbase to support KH3. Square enix makes alot of smart decisions. I bet all of these smart decisions anger somebody out there though. There is a ton of smart decisions right there. I'm sure not everybody is happy with them though.