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I've never even heard of Haephoustusmepthistophlies(?) Final Fantasy XIII, so I'm willing to bet its gonna be either crappy or in development for a long time. I'm gonna guess PS3 if its the developement time, but Square might have made the jump to 360 due to emdollarsign's alledged "ZOMG MONEYHATZ". Or PS3/360, doesn't much matter to me anymore since I own all 3 consoles. If it has been in dev a long time, I can expect it to be pretty good then. Although not hearing about it leads me to believe its either been canceled, had development problems, or is gonna be utter, unadulterated crap.

Why do I have a feeling its gonna be a card-based FFXIII game for the DS? 

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.