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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy haeresis XIII

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
mibuokami said:
I'm suprise no one has thought of this yet.

haeresis = MMO = PC/PS360 to be announce @ E3 09



Wow...i never thought of it that way... you sir Win, this May just happen, that would be an epic tiwst to!


Thanks :p


It just seems a bit odd that they would release 3 big blockbuster RPG in succession, I thought at least 2 would be alternative games (Agito and Haeresis).

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mibuokami said:
I'm suprise no one has thought of this yet.

haeresis = MMO = PC/PS360 to be announce @ E3 09



I had the same thinking since the haeresis name was announced but someone told me the MMO being made by SE has nothing to do with FF.


Lol, if it's announced exclusive for the Wii there will be more meltdowns here than if it was exclusive to 360.

@ Millennium:

You sound like me when I'm not stooping down to someone's level to verbally rape them. +2 my friend.

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

@Soriku all of the above has been taken off the net due to piracy or something along those lines.

Also Rapture Might be a code name soriku you remeber that DK13 crap dont you?

@Claude, Meltdowns? who would have a meltdown over an unknown XIII title?

@Infamous Dont you dare man... When it comes to Versus XIII know one has more heads up on it then I do, i've seen interviews exclusive to Japan then none of ya have seen. it was only up for 2 days and i had to buy a DVD of one since it was rec'd by a fan. Quality was terrible but its better then nothing. Also again why i ask would there be meltdowns for a game no one knows nothing about? The wii thing im talking about of course...


What the.. More games?

Give me FFXIII first. Then will i see if SE still got the magic.

Or i can hope MS cashing Mistwalker a lot.

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Concerning the fact that haeresis could be a MMO, I dunno, there is another rumour that said SE was already working on FFXIV, and that XIV would be a MMO ...

But we can be sure that there will be another FF MMO soon or later, the thing is that XI is still played quite a lot, so I don't think they'll release another MMO in 2009 or even in 2010.

BTW, the more I think about haeresis, the more I believe it will be a CGI movie. Indeed, I remember that after advent children's release, the producer said that he already had ideas for another movie so ...

Concerning the wii, you can forget about it, wii already has the crystal chronicles so, no.

Soriku said:
mibuokami said:
I'm suprise no one has thought of this yet.

haeresis = MMO = PC/PS360 to be announce @ E3 09



That's what they said about FF XIII too :P


No they did not, everyone simply assumed so. +__-

I remember telling people on another forum that FFXIII would go on 360 and got myself a new butthole, loved rubbing salt into the wounds when E3 came along. :D


C'mon guys, stop talking about versus going on 360. Until it's not announced (and I don't think it will), the game's a PS3 game only

Yes, we heard about it, and yes it has to do something with haeresis. I think it's pretty clear that nintendo consoles won't get "regular" FF's, and that the crystal chronicles series has been created to satisfy nintendo's players.

Rapture (ラプチャー, Rapture?) is the code name of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) currently in development by Square Enix.

Meh... Wiki....

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