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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Last Words: The Final Real Talk with Snake612 of 2008: December 19, 2008

Welcome to the 10th and final edition of Real talk with Snake612 of 2008. Yeah, this is the last edition for 2008. There will be many more to come in 2009. First, I want to say thank you to all vgchartz users. I never thought the series would grow this much just in a couple of months. I mean the series started on June 12, 2008 and had any awkward spin-offs but it turned out great! Tonight, I am celebrating the last edition of 2008 with many VGchartz users. I had the chance to chat with some users. Tonight is going to be a jam packed night. So, Here's the line-up for tonight.

Real Talk Interview with Psrock

Real Talk Interview with Soriku

Real Talk Interview with Kirby007

Snake612's Top 10 games of 2008

NEW! segment: Real Talk Wars: ColonelStubbs v Megman2

News about what to expect on Real Talk with Snake612 in 2009!

Alright, First lets start off with my interview with Psrock. Besides SaviorX and MFK, Psrock was one of the very first people I ever chatted with on VGChartz. He is one of the many Sony fans on VGChartz. I was able to chat with him on how is year has been and other stuff. Here's the interview. I hope you like it!

                        Real Talk Interview with Psrock

Snake612:What your favorite game of the year?

Psrock: This is a tough question Snake, as a PS3 fan, this year has been a blessing. I have so many games I still haven’t touched yet. But, in the end one game has made a huge impact for this system that no other has been able to pull even later this year. I am speaking MGS4.

Snake612: Which game franchise do you think did well?

Psrock: Gta and Metal Gear franchise did pretty well

Snake612: As a Sony fan, what are your expectations for them in 2009?

Psrock: I went from believing 2009 will be the best year for the PS3 to thinking, I hope Sony can survive next year. I believe first party games will be amazing, but I see Sony losing tons of support third parties wise.

Snake612: Which game are you mostly excited for in 2009?

Psrock:  Uncharted 2 Baby!!!!!!!!!

Snake612: What was your favorite thread in 2009?

Psrock: Well they were many which I was part of such as Megaman’s leader thread and The April’s NPD thread, and Leoj GTA killing the wii but DmeisterJ getting caught and virgin threads was the two that had me rolling on the floor laughing. So much win in those threads

Thank you to Psrock for the interview and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you again Psrock.

Coming up next, I got a interview with Soriku! Its going to be an awesome night. Stay tuned. I am going to take a break. I will be right back with the rest of this Final Real Talk with Snake612 edition of 2008! Keep it locked! But first enjoy this video!

Its Fall Out Boy "I Don't Care"!


Alright, we are just going to go straight to my interview with Soriku. I had some computer problems. This VGChartz user I interviewed is a person I respect a lot. We may not agree on where Kingdom Hearts III goes. However, he is a great and awesome VGChartz user. So, here's the interview.

          Real Talk Interview with Soriku

Snake612: How's things going and how has your year been on vgchartz?

Soriku:Pretty good. It was a good year, lots of LOLs and :Ds. I made some pretty epic posts this year :) I've been addicted to this site all it :D Hope 2009 is as good or a better year!

Snake612: Now the topic I am about to talk to you about has been talked about on vgchartz for a year now. I am going to ask you one last time. Where will Kingdom Hearts III go and why?

Soriku: Uh oh :P Well...with SE's recent DQ X for the Wii announcement the "SE doesn't care about the Wii, SE wants the Wii to die, etc." stuff should die down now and shows SE has a lot of interest in the Wii. Now as for Disney...demographic, close Nintendo ties, their games sell well on Nintendo systems, etc. Plus the Wii's ginormous, growing userbase and lower dev costs should also be a reason.

Snake612: How do you think Nintendo did this year?

Soriku: OK I guess. I just don't like the fact some of their games that I want aren't out in NA like Disaster: DoC and Fatal Frame IV. Their first half was pretty decent, but their second half was meh. Though at least it gave me time to buy some GC games that I really wanted like Baten Kaitos and Skies of Arcadia Legends lol. Since I can't buy many games in the year it doesn't bother me a whole lot. Next year for sure will be much better. Though we don't know much of Nintendo's line up, Disaster, Fatal Frame, maybe Pikmin 3, and probably other games will be released in 2009. Nintendo is a mystery so we can't really know for sure what they may or may not release, but I know at least 2/3 of those games I listed will come over. Couple that with the fact there's a lot of third party games I want next year are coming out I'm happy. It's not just about Nintendo games.

Snake612:What do you think as a huge game for the Wii this year and why?

Soriku: Are you talking about 2008 or 2009? I'll answer once you answer that...

(Don't worry about that question, Soriku)

Snake612: Which games on the Wii are you excited for?

Soriku: New Tales, Fatal Frame IV, Disaster, Muramasa, Arc Rise Fantasia, Dragon Quest X, Monster Hunter 3, Kizuna, Fragile, FFCC: The Crystal Bearers, Rune Factory Frontier, and Valhalla Knights.

 Special Thanks to Soriku for the interview and I will be looking forward to chat with you in 2009!

Okay, the party is not over yet. Lets get right into my next interview.

Now, this next VGChartz user I interviewed, try to gain a larger popularity by stealing my show and making his own version. Unfortunately, he cancelled it. So I guess his attempt to make his own Real Talk was an EPIC FAIL? LOL! Just kidding. I like this user because he is real and is very outspoken on the boards. When I came to VGCHartz, he was banned for a ling time. He made his long return a couple of months back. He is Kirby007!

                         Real Talk Interview with Kirby 007

Snake612: How has your year been so far?

Kirby007: Total chaos, way too much games which need to be played! I sure could use another wallet. Got a new 32 inch screen around march for in the bedroom, I am very happy with it. It got a wii and xbox 360 connected to it. I got some bad luck with both consoles though, my wii is currently at nintendo and my xbox 360 well lets just say it got a malfuntion.

Snake612: What are some of your favorite gaming moments this year?

Kirby007:  Playing oblivion, sure it is an older game but the game really got everything I was looking for since my first experience with gaming. Mario Kart Wii also has is one of the best games I have played this year, it has the best free multiplayer experience since Goldeneye 64. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 deserves a mention for the awesome controls it shows how FPS on the wii should be. Gears of War 2 into suprised me, way better than part 1.

GTA IV YESSSSS what a game I loved the storyline for the full 100%

Snake612:Even through the economic crisis, do you think 2009 will be a great year for gaming?

Kirby007: What I'm about to say is said many times before but it is the point why gaming will not really suffer by the crisis. It gives people longlasting entertainment for a relative cheap price. I'm sure the crisis will affect lots of people, gaming is a great way to escape a moment from reality.

Snake612: What are you mostly excited for with gaming in 2009?

Kirby007: Fallout 3 and saints row 2 I will pick them up sooner or later at a small price Gran Turismo 5 is shaping up nicely, I am hoping for a bundle ps3 + GT5. Furthermore i'm eagerly awating Banjo-Tooie

Snake612:  Four or five months ago, you, Leo-J, and Weezy mae their long anticpated return to VGChartz. How did it feel to be back?

Kirby007:As many know I never was gone, but I sure was happy to be "back", this account is my trademark. I still feel that the permaban was unjustified, standing up for a buddy and being silenced that way. Comon how mature is that?

Snake612: Speaking of Weezy, do you think he will ever return?

Kirby007:I hope so, I will never forget the flamebait thread he made Lol He was/is that extra touch of pepperoni on the pizza. "If you fall, get up and try it again"

Snake612: What was your favorite thread on vgchartz this year and why?

Kirby007:My favourite thread is the say something about the person posting above you. All the other ones I forgot.. which is a real shame because I have seen many good threads past year.

And totally offtopic, haters who plan on trolling. Please don't, I don't want get banned for countertrolling.

Well, that's the interview with Kirby007. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you to Kirby007!

Okay, I am going to take another break. Coming up next you will find out what were my top 10 games of 2008 and then the moment you have been waiting for REAL TALK WARS! A duel between Megaman2 and ColonelStubbs.

Be right back. Stay tuned. While I am taking a break, please enjoy this commercial


Alright, Welcome back. Sorry about the video. I honestly thought that it was a new commercial. I should of watched it before posting it.Oh well, Lets get back to business.

Now, there has been a lot of good games in 2008. From Metal Gear Solid to Gears 2 to Mario Kart Wii, there all great software titles. Here are my top 10 video games of 2008

Snake612's Top Ten games of 2008

10) No More Heroes (Nintendo Wii)

9) Wii Fit (Nintendo Wii)

8) Little Big Planet (Playstation 3)

7) Resistance 2 (Playstation 3)

6) Fable 2 (Xbox 360)

5) Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo Wii)

4) Left for Dead (Xbox 360 and PC)

3) Super Smash Bros Brawl (Nintendo Wii)

2) Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360)

1) Metal Gear Solid 4 ( Playstation 3)

Alright, there are my top 10 games of 2008. I am definitely sure each console will have a huge and amazing line-up of software titles in 2009! I can't wait


REAL TALK WARS with Megaman 2 and ColonelStubbs

Okay, I have made you guys wait long enough. I wanted to debut a new segment in 2009 but I am going to to do it NOW! Here is the first edition of Real Talk Wars!

Real Talk Wars: Colonel Stubbs v Megaman 2!    VS.     

Alright in the first corner, he is a former PS3 owner and now a current 360 owner. He is ColonelStubbs!

And in the second corner, he is the self proclaim Sony leader of VGChartz! He is Megaman2!

Okay now I am going to start off the duel with question, then you guys are on your own.

Snake612:Okay, now Colonel I am going to tell you what Megaman's response was to your "jumping the ship".

Here's Megaman2 response "When I first Colonel jumped ship I could I not believe what I was hearing I thought Microsoft was behind this, it was like losing a brother in the battlefield. It was a sad day for gaming, me and colonel used to destroy people on cod4 we were unstoppable. First we lose Obieslut, then Rock_on and now Colonelstubbs who's next Blackstar. One by one of army is getting weaker. But I must continue the fight"

Snake612: Colonel, what is your response to Megaman2's reaction?

ColonelStubbs: I would like to point out, im not abandoning the PS3, i will be back on PSN in about a years time when ive got a job and i've finished trawling through the 360's back catalogue. And come on megaman, it was me who killed everyone on COD4, you were a spectator

Megaman2: loll, Colonelstubbs you never seem to amaze me if I remember correctly I was always leading the troops to victory, without me nobody would know you were I put you on the map. When you started out you were a nurse lol, but you learned from the best and as time went on you became a colonel.

How much dividend's did Microsoft pay you for Xbox 360 purchase?

A product known to have many flaws, were you hesitant in your purchase colonel?

When you had you're ps3 you did not have to pay any online fees, how do feel about paying for online mulitplayer?

ColonelStubbs: If i remember correctly, before i gave up my PS3, you had prestiged once, and i had prestiged 9 times

Microsoft paid me nothing, and if you want to get picky, in my personal experience the ps3 has a bigger failure rate than the 360. My first ps3 failed due to a hard drive issue, so at the moment, 360 has 0% failure rate, PS3 50%

I wasnt hesitant to purchase my 360, i know the issues, its the games im concerned about. If it fails, it fails, i knew the risks before getting it so im the one to blame

I was unable to use my ps3 online at uni, so i wont be using my 360 either, so the cost doesnt conern me because i wouldnt be able to play online no matter which console i own.

Megaman2: That's true you were ahead, but had played much longer than me!

360 has 0% failure rate, I think many people would disagree with this statement colonel loll, in time we will see what is the most reliable console.

But you should able to do gaming in peace not having to worry about it breaking down, great games should equal great product.

But to take full advantage of the Xbox 360 you need to play online, that is where Xbox 360 has made its name on the quality service of Xbox live. I hope in time you will be able to take advantage of this service.

ColonelStubbs: I meant in my personal experience the 360 has a 0% failure rate, which is true so far lol

I do game in peace. Im not thinking about my 360 breaking down. If i sit here thinking 'oh god its going to explode' then il just freeze up and never touch it. If it is going to rrod, which i do expect at some point, i might as well enjoy it until then, and then enjoy the next one microsoft send me. Theres no point crying about it

I will be joining xbl as soon as i finish at uni, and i have no issue with paying. Its what, a tenner a month? For what xbl apparently offers, thats more than worth it. Yes id rather it was free, wouldnt we all, but its not. I have to deal with that.

Snake612: Alright guys, now make your closing arguments

Megaman2:Colonel when you have tasted a Quarter Pounder why settle for a sandwich, loll!

Its been a pleasure Colonel doing this interview with you, I hope in time that you come back to PSN. As we could do with your services on the battlefield.

Special thanks to, Snake612 and Colonelstubbs

ColonelStubbs: Megaman, you're doing Sony proud, keep up the good work, and I'll see you again on PSN

Megaman, your one of my favourite vgchartz users, and its always a pleasure talking to you.

Thanks for your time Snake612, and you Megaman


Special Thanks to Megaman2 and ColonelStubbs in being part of the very first Real Talk Wars.

Wow those two were Spolin for a Fight and that is the next video. This video is all about what ColonelStubbs and Megaman2 were doing during Real Talk Wars. LOL. Here's the video AC/DC "Spolin for a Fight"


Okay now I am going to tell what to expect on Real Talk in 2009! First, there will be brand new segments like a weekly Real talk poll. Plus Real Talk will officially be live strem. There will be more game trailers, more music videos, and more news. 2009 will be an amazing year for Real Talk with Snake612. Well, its time for the end of the show for 2008. I want thank everyone who has help the show since the first episode back in June. I am hoping to do many more Real talks in 2009 and hopefully get to the 100th episode next year.There are so much in store for Real talk in 2009 including many surprises! Now, I think I need a video to end this 10th and final Real Talk thread of 2008. The video I chose is by a great group. Here's Coldplay with "Speed of Sound". Thank you, have a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. Goodnight and see you in 2009!


Creative Designer: NikkoM

Executive Producer: Snake612

Real Talk Wars: created by Snake612

Special Thanks to Soriku

Special Thanks to Psrock

Special Thanks to Kirby007

Special Thanks to Megaman2

Special Thanks to ColonelStubbs

This has been a Real Talk Productions 2008

Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


Around the Network

I like PSrocks avatar way more than yours, though you probably put more work into yours.

I've learned not to trust anything said on the internet though but if you say it's real talk I'll believe you.

Although that thread with that guy with the cat avatar getting cought on another 'rival' website was pretty funny.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

I see booty

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby... you should change your avatar.. or have kirby show some fanny.

Right now; it's going to be tough for you - going up against psrock and all.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

I demand more!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Around the Network

my interview is better

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

I'm famous now. it was pleasure speaking with you snake, you have come a long way.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

I want to see the fight between me and megaman. Blood was spilled!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
I want to see the fight between me and megaman. Blood was spilled!



Alright guys Real talk is finish. Happy Holidays to All and see you guys next year.