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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I've seen many RROD thread here recently. Add me.

Did you learn your lesson?



Take my love, take my land..

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CDiablo said:
chaospluto said:

Should be an Official RROD thread imo.


 There should be because no one really cares that anyone elses system RROD but people feel compelled to tell everyone.

LOL.  True.


i feel sorry for you man i got a RRoD last week :/

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

SMcc1887 said:
Well, I think anyone who buys an Xbox 360 should buy it with the mindset that it will break at some point. If I had a 360 I would expect it to break.
Its unfortunate but sure you get it back soon enough.


Even with all the problems of the launch consoles it was publicised that only 30% were affected.  From my understanding it has occurred very seldom with the consoles purchased within the last 12-14 months.


It probably seems that way because no one goes on Internet forums to tell people that their console hasn't broken.  Just like I'm not going to tell people that there wasn't a traffic jam on my way to work.  Not to trivialise the problem.




Fumanchu said:
Can you tell us when you purchased it and more importantly the chipset revision - Zephyr, Xenon, Falcon or Jasper?

You have every right to post this, but without this information it has the potential to give off an unintentional mis-representation of the quality and susceptibility of a console purchased today. People can read this unknowingly thinking that you bought it yesterday and can affect consumer confidence.

Which is what irks most people about these threads.


I don't know how to tell what is the chipset version. The console itself has date of manufacture as 31/10/2007

Around the Network
Xen said:
That sucks. And the hardship to replace it for free in countries such as Trinidad (in your case) and Israel (in my case) prevents LOTS of purchases.


oh man that's pretty discouraging.

if MS wants to toute that they sold X amount of consoles this generation they will have to consider other regions other than just the main ones and provide support for them too. After all, we helped.

Simulacrum said:
Did you learn your lesson?


we as human beings can be very hard headed eh...

Well treat it as a case study - tell us the date when you end up sending it away for repairs and the date it gets back to you. That way we get to hear if it ends up being good service, otherwise it won't be disimilar to any of the other countless threads where people find it prudent to tell us all how bad a day they've had instead of the 364 good ones.

blunty, what is the output DC on the power brick? If it is 175w, then you definitely have a Falcon. I believe they started manufacturing Falcon's in September of 2007.

blunty51 said:
Fumanchu said:
Can you tell us when you purchased it and more importantly the chipset revision - Zephyr, Xenon, Falcon or Jasper?

You have every right to post this, but without this information it has the potential to give off an unintentional mis-representation of the quality and susceptibility of a console purchased today. People can read this unknowingly thinking that you bought it yesterday and can affect consumer confidence.

Which is what irks most people about these threads.


I don't know how to tell what is the chipset version. The console itself has date of manufacture as 31/10/2007

I think it's a Falcon. Can Xbox gamers confirm?