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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A strange "only possible with the Wii" christmas story

Impulsivity said:
I just saw an episode of True Blood (the vampire series on HBO) where the vampire was sitting inside playing a golf game on his Wii. Saw the same thing in Tropic Thunder. How often do you see serious characters and business types portrayed playing any playstation or Xbox? I'm not a huge Wii fan myself, but that doesn't mean I can't understand its mass market popularity.

South Park, House, etc.


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My father spent 20 minutes playing Mario Kart Wii today and he had fun. He had never touched a console before (nor would he with a normal controller I believe).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

halogamer1989 said:
Impulsivity said:
I just saw an episode of True Blood (the vampire series on HBO) where the vampire was sitting inside playing a golf game on his Wii. Saw the same thing in Tropic Thunder. How often do you see serious characters and business types portrayed playing any playstation or Xbox? I'm not a huge Wii fan myself, but that doesn't mean I can't understand its mass market popularity.

South Park, House, etc.


I remember House playing with a GBA, DS, and PSP........which episode(s) did he play a PS_ or an XBOX_?

And South Park = serious business type.........seriously?

Barozi said:
Impulsivity said:
I just saw an episode of True Blood (the vampire series on HBO) where the vampire was sitting inside playing a golf game on his Wii. Saw the same thing in Tropic Thunder. How often do you see serious characters and business types portrayed playing any playstation or Xbox? I'm not a huge Wii fan myself, but that doesn't mean I can't understand its mass market popularity.

Does Kenny from Kenny vs. Spenny count as a serious character ? xDDD

He does if anyone on "True Blood" is considered serious.

I'm pretty sure that show is just a spoof on really bad vampire cliches and goth culture... and really bad southern accents.

Either that or someone needs to be shot.

Same thing sister has played games throughout her time but very sporadically the N64 and gamecube she probably played the most...she tried KH couldnt get far and things like Klonoa but she seems to use the wii more than me and hogs it so often that I've been tempted to buy her one even though I know the only game she would really play is Animal Crossing or Wii Sports and Fit if i ever get it haha.. but i can say that my dad (62) also enjoys playing billiards on wii play and tennis on wii sports and my mom enjoys boxing for some reason, maybe cuz she can actually beat us sad.. but the wii at least has gotten my entire family involved in gaming

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - author unknown

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If you haven't seen True Blood you should go rent it right now. It is NOT some spoof, it is the most interesting brilliant show put on TV since the Wire and the Sopranos. Seriously, it is awesome beyond belief.

Anyway the point is that the Wii is considered mainstream enough that characters who would never have been seen playing a console (since it wouldn't make a lot of sense) pre Wii now CAN be shown playing the Wii and have it work inside the context of the story. The idea of a business executive sitting in his office playing Halo 3 is just silly, but showing the same executive playing something like Tiger Woods 2008 on his Wii makes sense without suspending disbelief.  Showing a character playing video games used to be of indicating he was a loser (see any number of stoner comedies or other such movies about a 30 year old loser who can't grow up) but now its perfectly mainstream for even successful characters to play video games in TV shows largely thanks to the Wii (and to a lesser extent handhelds).

For why the shift makes sense see my story above (my dad, strangely enough, is a senior VP at his company, thus a aging RL business executive who likes the Wii). I would bet a decent amount of the greater population of aging executives also have had positive experiences with the Wii which is why they think of featuring it in the first place.

It is almost always sport games though that serious characters are seen plaiyng (golf, Tennis ect). I still haven't seen anyone playing Smash Bros on TV/in Movies. I think the chance of my dad playing/enjoying smash bros is pretty close to nil.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

This is not a Wii only phenomenon. I have been trying to get my reletives into gaming consoles for the last 15 years. Starting with the NES, and trying to convince them in every console since. Finally one console has grabbed the attention of a good amount of them, and it is the PS3.

My grandfather was the first two display inerest in the PS3 due to the Blu-ray. He is first and formost a movie buff. He went ahead and purchased one in Febuary of 07. After that he started talking to my uncle, and my aunt that live near us. They both took a bit of convincing, but once they discovered it was more than just games they both ended up grabing one.

So that is my grandfather at 64, my aunt at 67, and my uncle at 59 all picking up PS3's. The best part about it is they have started playing really good games. All of them got uncharted and played through it together. My grandpa and uncle got into Metal Gear Solid earlier this year, and now they all sit at Home retired playing Little Big Planet.

This is why I feel the PS3 is fine right now. It will continue to sell well because people will continue to see that is is way beyond a gaming machine. The Wii may pull off being the in thing right now better, but as people have been saying since launch, the fad will end.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Impulsivity said:

If you haven't seen True Blood you should go rent it right now. It is NOT some spoof, it is the most interesting brilliant show put on TV since the Wire and the Sopranos. Seriously, it is awesome beyond belief.

Anyway the point is that the Wii is considered mainstream enough that characters who would never have been seen playing a console (since it wouldn't make a lot of sense) pre Wii now CAN be shown playing the Wii and have it work inside the context of the story. The idea of a business executive sitting in his office playing Halo 3 is just silly, but showing the same executive playing something like Tiger Woods 2008 on his Wii makes sense without suspending disbelief.  Showing a character playing video games used to be of indicating he was a loser (see any number of stoner comedies or other such movies about a 30 year old loser who can't grow up) but now its perfectly mainstream for even successful characters to play video games in TV shows largely thanks to the Wii (and to a lesser extent handhelds).

For why the shift makes sense see my story above (my dad, strangely enough, is a senior VP at his company, thus a aging RL business executive who likes the Wii). I would bet a decent amount of the greater population of aging executives also have had positive experiences with the Wii which is why they think of featuring it in the first place.

It is almost always sport games though that serious characters are seen plaiyng (golf, Tennis ect). I still haven't seen anyone playing Smash Bros on TV/in Movies. I think the chance of my dad playing/enjoying smash bros is pretty close to nil.

No no... I have seen it.... and it's horrible...

Like really really bad.

To the point of where it's reached past bad,  to mockabily bad... past mockibly bad too "It's so bad i can't even watch it to make fun of it bad."

@KGB: That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my entire life. Congratulations.

zleep said:
@KGB: That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my entire life. Congratulations.

Agreed...Although I could see why your Gramps might like MGS4. Was this Sony's marketing plan?! Old Snake = Old players picking up PS3s! Genius.


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-