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Forums - General Discussion - Hockey fans.. Wha do you guys think of the sundin Deal in Vancouver.?

Mats Sundin has aggreed to terms in vancouver for a year !

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greatest deal ever besides the luongo trade. cup plz


great move for canucks! now we can have something that looks like a second line.

the Wii is an epidemic.

I love it. Now I can listen to the ignorant Canuck fans on the radio hype up their team for the rest of year, only to be massively disappointed when they don't get anywhere.

^ just like the habs this season ZO.


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I love it personally. I just hated the original 2 year offer. I didn't want him to retire after this season and screw up our cap next year.

Here's the hockey season thread, if you're interested in posting in it.

I like the signing of Sundin. It is a shame they will not make the Cup Finals, but it should be a successful season, nonetheless.

i just hope this isn't another messier disaster for the nucks. hopefully we can beat the hawks this saturday

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best Zelda title ever made.

"The Person Who Got the Closest to Winning the 1st VGC VC Giveaway, but still lost"

Nothing can be as bad as Messier.

yep, thank god it's only 1 year, instead of that disastrous 3-year messier contract that ended up forcing linden out.

the Wii is an epidemic.