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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do you buy LittleBIGPlanet DLC? How much do you think they make from it?

I didnt, and wouldnt pay for any LBP extra content. Id rather make my own stuff (if i still owned the game)

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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Yea, ive bought every single DLC. i just bought the holidays pack. next up MGS4 pack.

Im so lucky I just got a 30 dollar gift card so i will get the MGS PACK >

I think this stuff should be free. It seems really lame to have to pay for a costume. It also makes me feel like i should have bought the title used if i was going to have to keep paying for additional content in the case of the MGS pack. It's as if I purchased an incomplete game. Why is DLC so cool in theory and almost never so in execution? There you have it my only complaints about LBP.

Bought a few. Chun Li, Riyu, LocoRoco Pack, Chimera Sackboy, and a few others I believe.

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I'll buy the level packs when they come out. Doubt I'll buy any of the costumes though. I like my custom ones and the few free ones they gave out.

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