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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata - Kutaragi


In their second generation of dominance, Sony and Nintendo became full of arrogance, their position were too comfortable and then they did a lots of mistakes....


Nintendo is #1 again, maybe their control over this generation is bigger than PS2 with past one (at least with hardware, 360 and PS3 are selling a lot of sofware).

Kutaragi and PS3 dont have the first place, now is on Iwata hands.

Do you think we will see Iwata doing a conference like Kutaragi did back in the PS2 glory days?? (Console War is Over)


Will be the next Yamauchi ????





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How Kutaragi used to be???
Is there a video of them nashing gamecube and xbox?

Never ending cycle; empires rise and fall (sometimes re-rise like Ninty). Nintendo is bound to fall sometime again.

Iwata is a smart man, he knows what he's doing.

I don't get an over-confident vibe from him at all either.

I can't think of one bad business decision he has made. Anyone?

Well, consider no one stays on top in the future, due to whatever fuck-ups Nintendo will commit, or due to something else, another company will take the # 1 spot.....whether that will come from a major mistake on Iwata´s part or not, we will see...he´s a smart guy, but he´s only human, so he will make mistakes sooner or later.

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pika said:


In their second generation of dominance, Sony and Nintendo became full of arrogance, their position were too comfortable and then they did a lots of mistakes....


Nintendo is #1 again, maybe their control over this generation is bigger than PS2 with past one (at least with hardware, 360 and PS3 are selling a lot of sofware).

Kutaragi and PS3 dont have the first place, now is on Iwata hands.

Do you think we will see Iwata doing a conference like Kutaragi did back in the PS2 glory days?? (Console War is Over)


Will be the next Yamauchi ????


I hope not, his company saved the console game industry, but years later he got stuck in time, mad a lot of bad business decisions, and alienated 3rd party away, especially Square... Iwata saved Ninty and returned it to the glorious days, and 3rd party is starting to support them again (in consoles)...

In many ways I believe that Kutaragi was a man who was in the right place at the right time, became remarkably successful, and was given an (undeserved) reputation as being a visionary ... He (unfortuately) believed the hype surrounding himself and allowed it to go to his head.

In contrast, Iwata took control of a company at a time when most people thought it was doomed because it was facing new competition in its most profitable segment (handhelds) and few people thought it could compete directly with Sony and Microsoft in the home console market. He brought the company to success by breaking from conventional wisdom and producing products that were drastically different than what people expected. Iwata is also a very modest man and is not going to fall into the same trap of hubris that other people have.

Iwata always talks about the need to remain humble and pay attention to the customer. He's been rolling with Nintendo through good times and lean times before, so I think he knows that getting complacent means getting dethroned.

So no, I don't think Nintendo is going to fall prey to the same hubris that market leaders have manifested in the past.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

No, because Nintendo doesn't really acknowledge the console war. To the extent to which i am sure they are happy that they are trashing their competition, it really isn't a direct competition. They are winning, but it's not their goal to win. Their current "mission statement" is probably something about getting people to pick up and play, as their primary "enemy" in this war is apathy, not Sony or Microsoft


If i had to say that they had an enemy, it would be Sony, simply because Sony was pushing gaming furthest away from Nintendo's current strategy

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

HappySqurriel said:

In many ways I believe that Kutaragi was a man who was in the right place at the right time, became remarkably successful, and was given an (undeserved) reputation as being a visionary ... He (unfortuately) believed the hype surrounding himself and allowed it to go to his head.

In contrast, Iwata took control of a company at a time when most people thought it was doomed because it was facing new competition in its most profitable segment (handhelds) and few people thought it could compete directly with Sony and Microsoft in the home console market. He brought the company to success by breaking from conventional wisdom and producing products that were drastically different than what people expected. Iwata is also a very modest man and is not going to fall into the same trap of hubris that other people have.


I agree with the first half of what you said. The PlayStation brand's success really has been about a stroke of luck giving them an early advantage, followed by their ability to cultivate that early advantage into long-term success. The PlayStation 1 was ideally positioned between the launches of the Saturn and the N64, and they took advantage of the mistakes of both (the Saturn being too hard to develop for, and the N64 being too costly to publish for) and ran it for a touchdown. With the PlayStation 2, they were again ideally positioned between the Dreamcast and the GC/Xbox in terms of launch window, and combined that with all the goodwill carrying over from the PS1, and really scored


Not saying it's a bad platform, or that they are inept, just that the stars really seemed to align for them in two straight generations.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.