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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could FFXIII break 1 million first week in Japan?

FFCC are not spin-offs. They are the mainline of the FFCC derived from FFs. They have become a franchise of their own, like a 'Final Fantasy for Nintendo Systems'. And they are evolved enough as games not to be spin-offs. DQM games were always considered a spin-off, DQS don´t know about that. Zelda games are not sidestories of the original game so they still are main games. Like I said FFXIII versus is an alternate FFXIII, if they had called FFXIII FFXIII light, Versus FFXIII dark and agito FFXIII portable which one would have been the spin-off then?

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memory2zack said:
FFCC are not spin-offs. They are the mainline of the FFCC derived from FFs. They have become a franchise of their own, like a 'Final Fantasy for Nintendo Systems'. And they are evolved enough as games not to be spin-offs. DQM games were always considered a spin-off, DQS don´t know about that. Zelda games are not sidestories of the original game so they still are main games. Like I said FFXIII versus is an alternate FFXIII, if they had called FFXIII FFXIII light, Versus FFXIII dark and agito FFXIII portable which one would have been the spin-off then?

 Your question is irrelevant. FFXIII is not called FFXIII light. It is just the main entry into the series. FFXIII is the mainline game. The fact that it is called an alternate FFXIII proves this point. It is not FFXIV, and not XIII proper which makes it a spin-off. Same goes for Agito. I really don't get why people are so hung up on accepting this game is a spin-off.

 I agree with FFCC now being a full fledged franchise, but originally it was just a spin-off much like Mario Kart. Spin-offs can become amazingly popular, and even be extremely well done. The reason I listed Zeldawas because of how absurd your definition of a spin-off is. Every Zelda has had the same recurring characters, had slightly differing stories, and been set in the same universe.

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