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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kudos to the PSP

Also I'd like to congratulate the PSP with it's first game to hit 5 million, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.

So to celebrate here's some images of some top PSP games:

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Monster Hunter Freedom 2

Jeanne D'arc

Need for Speed: Most Wanted


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Congrats to PSP, the 1st handheld to ever put some serious sales outside the Ninty ones... Now imagine the boost with Dissidia, it's selling like crack in Japan right now, and it should do very well in the West... That one will get the PSP closer to the SNES...

One more thing, heres the PSP number for each year its been out:

Units Sold
2004-2005 351,453
2005-2006 9,435,217
2006-2007 8,839,850
2007-2008 11,540,067
2008 -  ending Dec 13 11,458,359

Might be able to make 13 million for this year.

Goodfella said:
I love my PSP, in fact I love it so much I bought two of them lol.


can you give me one for free please?. lol.

Your numbers are pretty cool! Good to see that one year is better than the other. But I'm afraid that 2009 won't be as good as 08. Numbers are going to decrease next year (because of japan). But still, if the system can sell another 10M in 2009, this would be pretty cool IMO. Sony needs money, and the psp can give em a lot.

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I still plan on getting one :P


  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

I think DS and PSP have coexisted pretty well. I will always want a Nintendo hand held to hold the market just because it has supported the market for a very long time but also hope there are more PSPs that will come out in the future.

Now if a third hand held comes out, this balance might get disturbed greatly. Hope its Nintendo and PSP always.

Yeah, the good thing with the actual handheld market, is that they are pretty different, so each console has its own games, and sell pretty well. I wouldn't like another company on the market (MS did you hear me? I don't want you). If they come, they're gonna make their dirrty business once again ...

At first I loved my PSP because it had a good back library of games(got it last year around the holidays). After I bought the big mainstream releases I got the idea that there was nothing to play, and started to dislike it. Then after researching more I got a few more games that weren't very well know. I'm still catching up. Now I'm starting to use it more for media purposes as well as games. I expect to finish all the back library of games I want by the time more new releases start to come(there has been a little bit of a drought).  So first I loved it, then I got tired of it, and now I'm starting to love it again. I don't like it as much as my DS(best gaming platform of all time imo), but It is the second best platform this generation to me. The Wii is in third but could pull pass it with some future games that I'm anticipating. Overall It definitely is a great handheld, and deserves these sales.