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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games on smash 2008 "Game of the Year" award goes to ...

Metal gear solid 4


it also won the best 2008 graphics.



here is the complete list


Games On Smash: Game Of The Year

by Wynton Harris on Dec.18, 2008, under News, Views

Games On Smash Game of The Year has finally arrived.  Scroll Down to see what Games On Smash has chosen for Game Of The Year.  Obviously, the names that are crossed out where eliminated, and the bold lettered, italicized font  is the game that we have chosen for Game Of The Year  in each category.

Hand held Game Of The Year:

Super Stardust Portable


God of  War: Chains Of Olympus

Final Fantasy Crisis Core


Racing Game Of The Year :


Burnout Paradise


Motorstorm Pacific Rift

Best Action Game :

Grand Theft Auto 4

Dead Space

Prince Of Persia

Star Wars The Force Unleashed


Best Multiplayer Game :

Gears  Of War 2

Resistance 2

Call Of Duty: WaW

Left 4 Dead

Shooter Of The Year:

Resistance 2

Call Of Duty: WaW

Gears Of War 2

Far Cry 2


Platformer Of The Year:

Prince Of Persia

Mirrors Edge

Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty



Puzzle Game Of The Year:


Geometry Wars

Super Street Fighter 2 puzzle fighter



RPG Of The Year:

Fallout 3

Lost Odyssey

Fable 2

Valkira Chronicles


New IP  Of The Year:

Little Big Planet


Dead Space

Mirrors Edge


Best Graphics Of The Year:

Gears Of War 2

Metal Gear Solid 4

Dead Space


Downloadable Game Of The Year:

Pixel Junk Eden

Ratchet and Clank Quest For Booty

Wipeout HD




Xbox 360 Game Of The Year:

Fable 2

Gears Of War 2

Left 4 Dead

Fallout 3



Wii Game Of The Year:

Wii Music

Wii Fit

Mario Kart Wii

SuperSmash Bros Brawl


PS3 Game Of The Year:

Metal Gear Solid 4


Resistance 2

Motorstorm Pacific Rift


Flop of the Year:

Too Human

The Last Remnant

Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts!


Game of the Year:

Gears Of War 2


God Of War: Chains Of Olympous

Burnout Paradise

Metal Gear Solid 4

Fallout 3

Resistance 2

Grand Theft Auto 4

We here at GamesOnSmash feel that even though there were several good nominees for Game Of the Year,  Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots wins GOTY hands down.  Here were our nominees: Gears Of War 2, LittleBIGPlanet, Grand Theft Auto IV,  and Metal Gear Solid 4. MGS4 wins GOTY for having the best overall graphics, gameplay, sound, and storyline throughout all of the nominees. There where also some other good games that came out this year such as FABLE II, Resistance 2, Burnout Paradise, and Fallout 3, but  Metal Gear Solid 4 was the cream of the crop. At the end of the day it was a great year for gamers all around.




Around the Network

Wow, I agree with every single award other then Wii Fit. If I had made these awards it would be that exact same list. I don't know who these people are, but good taste. :)

PS3 Trophies



^^^yea ,,their list is right on




Wow some of the nominees for the sections are just awful. Like the handheld game of the year one just fails off the back. Wii game of the year fails off the back. Downloadable game of the year fails. I mean accept for PS3, Flop, and Game of the Year these nominations and some choices are jsut awful. Well at least for the most part they got GOTY correct or at least something that should get it.

IDK about fair, too many PS3 games won for 360 fans to think it's fair I think.

PS3 Trophies



Around the Network

I agree with all of their winners except GTA IV winning best action game over Dead Space.

Why did Wii Fit win Wii GOTY? You'd think they'd take something that was more of an actual game, it's not like Nintendo didn't release other stuff then Wii Fit.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Solid

But none of the PS3 games that won were out of place for their nominations, think about it: Resistance 2 arguably had the best multiplayer setup in 08, what platformer actually performed better than LBP, IYO? Best Graphics could have been a toss up between MGS4 and Gears 2. As long as one of those two won, I think it's still accurate. Heck, Biggest Flop of the Year was a PS3 game. The Xbox community can't be too mad about that, right? o.O


 Like I said, I agree with the list completely. But you know these fanboys, they'll complain about MGS4 not having better graphics then Gears, and Braid should have beat Quest for Booty, and my neighbor can beat your neighbor in a staring contest and all that good stuff.

PS3 Trophies



I agree with the list of winners, I think it's fair for the most part IMO!!!


Why is SkyNet wearing a PS3 Logo???


It´s okay for a single person to openly show your dislike for a specific system, there´s nothing wrong with that. We´re only humans.

But completely ignoring a system in the nominations is a different thing, especially for a review site. I´m not talking about the Wii, I´m talking about the DS.

This site treats the Wii as it could be nominated in its own category only (preventing its games from even being nominated outside the plaform category, a category which furthermore only seems to allow 1st party nominations), and it treats the DS as non-existant.

The lack of World of Goo in the nominations is interesting, too...