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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I don't care if people think I'm sick, stupid, or have poor taste

Final Fantasy VI,VIII, and XII are my favorites. I like Squall alot, Kefka owns Sephiroth, the active dimension battle system is a welcome change. So Screw you.


You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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FFVI is my all time favorite FF.

Haven't really played any other ones besides VI. And I don't count Crystal Chronicles series.

Secret of Evermore > Final Fantasy







*runs away*


Final Fantasy 6 was amazing, Final Fantasy 8 was a really good game (save for the horrible plot twists in Disc 2), and Final Fantasy 12, well...that's where we disagree.



hey i don't blame you. I found ff8 a hundred times better than ff7 (the almighty game)

I have played through 7 only 1.8 times. Meaning didn't even finish second playthrough.

Probably played through 8 at least 5 times. Never played 12 or 6, but 4 was great. Didn't really like number 3.

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Most people would generally agree with you that Final Fantasy VI is a great game. I don't follow the other games at all to know what people generally feel about them but I know I hate VIII and didn't particularly like XII.

Suikoden is obviously better than Final Fantasy, though.


I could never get to disc 3 in FFVIII. Disc 2 had so many scratches that it would freeze at the same cinematic. The game was great though.


With a title like that, I thought you were going to admit to liking Petz Hotel or something, not picking out your favorite Final Fantasies.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I don't think you'll hear a lot of debate about FF6, but FF8 and FF12... Well, FF8 could have been great, in my book, if not for one little thing: they obviously didn't finish play-testing it since it's insanely tedious to draw magic or collect items for refining, and since the level-up system is about as refined as your typical RM2K3 custom battle engine is (ie. not very). FF12... I just plain hate. There's nothing about it that can redeem it for me. Which is funny, because I liked the demo of FF12 quite a bit, but the final game just turned out to be a grind sandwich...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

I love FF6 and 8, both are two of my favorite games. FF12 I haven't played much of it yet, but what I have played so far I really like.

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