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Forums - Sales Discussion - Double bubble nearly for 360

MAXX KING - You are an arrogant and conceited PS3 fanboy.
I apologize, it's redundant to call a PS3 fanboy conceited and arrogant.
I guess you haven't learned from Sony's arrogance this generation ......remember....the same arrogance that put them in LAST PLACE???!!

I got into an argument about LBP Sales with you a couple weeks ago and you claimed it had sold 2 million already.

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Wii outsells PS3 by more than 4 to 1. Wii outsells X360 by more than 2 to 1. X360 almost outsells PS3 by 2 to 1.

360 : PS3
$200 : $400
1 : 2 = Inverse Ratio lol

Sales are Inversesly Porportional to their Price Ratio

The price argument thing is not an excuse anymore. Wii is half the price of PS3 but it sells 3 to 4 times as much as the PS3 on a week to week basis. X360 is cheaper than Wii but X360 gets outsold by Wii by 2 to 3 times on a week to week basis.

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numonex said:
The price argument thing is not an excuse anymore. Wii is half the price of PS3 but it sells 3 to 4 times as much as the PS3 on a week to week basis. X360 is cheaper than Wii but X360 gets outsold by Wii by 2 to 3 times on a week to week basis.

Tell me. Why the hell 360 sales Increase due to price cut? Price DOES Matter. Anyway 360 fanboys always say that people would rather save 200$ So even they use the Price Arguement. It works both ways you know, 360 fanboys cant have it so it suits them.

blazinhead89 said:
numonex said:
The price argument thing is not an excuse anymore. Wii is half the price of PS3 but it sells 3 to 4 times as much as the PS3 on a week to week basis. X360 is cheaper than Wii but X360 gets outsold by Wii by 2 to 3 times on a week to week basis.


Tell me. Why the hell 360 sales Increase due to price cut? Price DOES Matter. Anyway 360 fanboys always say that people would rather save 200$ So even they use the Price Arguement. It works both ways you know, 360 fanboys cant have it so it suits them.

So the increase in sales when AAA titles were released has nothing to do with it? NXE has nothing to do with it, XBL has nothing to do with it, Holidays have nothing to do with it?

I mean it's just the Price, that's it, nothing more, nothing, not a single thing.. but the price... the 360 has no games, it has nothing going for it at all, people are just morons and buy a system to just look at... wth are people thinking...

I mean the only 360 on the market is the Arcade 360.

The Pro and Elite were all canceled and MS no longer makes them.

When all is said and done.... the 360 is still out selling the PS3, crying about the price of the 360 is not going to help PS3 sales..






PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

CMoney said:
MAXX KING - You are an arrogant and conceited PS3 fanboy.
I apologize, it's redundant to call a PS3 fanboy conceited and arrogant.
I guess you haven't learned from Sony's arrogance this generation ......remember....the same arrogance that put them in LAST PLACE???!!

I got into an argument about LBP Sales with you a couple weeks ago and you claimed it had sold 2 million already.


There was no need for the attach there.  If that's the way you're going to act on the site, don't bother continuing to post.

Well this thread has been nothing but hell. =/

More personal talks between the users than there is sales talks.

nice to the 360 crushing the ps3 . Good times....