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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 has the best exclusive games!!! Graph Lovers Only!!!

According to IGN that is:


Lots of Graphs!

Essentially, PS3 has the lowest number of crap games, and lowest percentage of crap games, while also having the highest number of AAA games, and highest percentage of AAA gams.

While the lower number of PS3 releases versus Wii and 360 releases works in it's favor, it also works against it too.  The less amount of games means that if a game is bad, it affects the percentage more adversely, or if a game is good, it affects the percentage adversely too.  With the Wii having the most games, the percentages are not as affected by bad games, but also, they're not as affected by good games. 

Go PS3!

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Like games matter this gen =/



I guess that is an advantage of being in last - a lot less shit.


Nope, nor does price.

Aj_habfan said:
I guess that is an advantage of being in last - a lot less shit.

So true.  60+ less games than the others.  The only games the PS3 has are the big exclusives and big multiplats.  They don't have many of the casual/small market flops that the 360 and Wii have.

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I guess it works well when you include 1 review site. :) I may do one based on all review sites. You know an average of opinions. :)

We are Chart lovers not Graph lovers!

Former something....

People are gonna start flaming IGN pretty quick...


I wonder what the "critic" average means


Blacksaber said:
We are Chart lovers not Graph lovers!


 Our time has come to an end. We ruled the charts long enough.