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Forums - General Discussion - 1/5 of HDTV Owners Can't See the Difference.


In my early VGChartz days, I made a post about how my friends couldn't see the difference between Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War.  This explains a lot.

"You spent hundreds or thousands on a fancy new HDTV -- so you ought to be able to tell when you're watching a high-definition television program vs. one of those moldy old standard-def shows, right?

Alas, that's not quite the case. A full 18 percent of HDTV owners can't tell the difference between SD and HD, according to a survey from Leichtman Research Group, which polled over 1,300 U.S. households about what they were watching.

The confusion largely seems to lie with the issue that many HDTV buyers don't understand that their existing cable TV feeds come at standard-definition resolution and that a service upgrade has to be purchased in order to get high-def programming. To this day numerous consumers just don't get it that a high-def cable signal isn't included with the TV set itself, and that additional hardware is required in order to decode an HD signal. It also doesn't help matters that many cable and satellite providers offer low-grade transmissions that stretch the definition of HD, so compressed that you can't really be blamed for not being able to tell the difference vs. SD, even if you are watching the higher-end service.

This all bodes poorly for the rest of the high-def video world. If consumers can't tell the difference between a crummy, roughly VHS-quality broadcast and high-definition, what hope do they have when comparing, say, DVD vs. Blu-ray, which are closer in quality level?

Do you have HDTV programming for your HDTV? Are you sure?"

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1/5 of HD owners are blind?


The fact is that there are so many crappy HDTVs out there, it's easy to get pwned into buying crap and not noticing any marked difference. I've seen HDTVs with constrast ratios of 1200:1. The PSP has a contrast ratio of 2000:1, and the TV was like six-hundred bucks. Whoever bought that got pwned.

Only the really expensive ones show that much difference...if id paid that much id pretend i saw an improvement whether i did or not!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Probably part of the reason why the Wii does so well too. I went to a girl's house a couple of months ago, and she and I watched a movie on A VCR (?!?). She didn't even have satellite or cable. Some people just aren't as into the audio visual side of things as we are.

d21lewis said:
Probably part of the reason why the Wii does so well too. I went to a girl's house a couple of months ago, and she and I watched a movie on A VCR (?!?). She didn't even have satellite or cable. Some people just aren't as into the audio visual side of things as we are.

By "girl" you mean, female, not "under the age of 18" correct?

Zapp doesn't need to go to jail.


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A couple of years ago I saw the results of a survey that claimed that the vast majority of HDTV owners were not getting HD cable and/or had their TV hooked up incorrectly and couldn't receive HD signals.

Hang on, so is that saying that 1/5 of people can not see the difference between HD and SD content, or most of that number are just using SD imputs

Also, how can that TV only have 1200:1, the TV I have ordered has 50,000:1

Munkeh111 said:
Also, how can that TV only have 1200:1, the TV I have ordered has 50,000:1

Trust me, it was 1200:1.  I did a double take, cause I thought it said 12000:1, but it really was 1200:1.  I was shocked that the T.V. was 600 bucks.  Then I remembered that the PSP 3k had a 2000:1 contrast ratio and I was like, how is 1200:1 even possible.


HappySqurriel said:

A couple of years ago I saw the results of a survey that claimed that the vast majority of HDTV owners were not getting HD cable and/or had their TV hooked up incorrectly and couldn't receive HD signals.


 But when 2/3 consoles don't come with HD cables, and 63% percent of people are stupid the problem contiues.......