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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2008 Belongs to?

Quite frankly, I am very impressed with the wii sales and its first party offering. However, when balancing out, games, value and decision making, MS is the biggest winner this year.

And I know many will point out the price cut, but think about it. It happened at the right time. It gave a boost that Sony may never recover from. They have the best game library this gen and the biggest reason for my choice, getting Japan to support it game wise. As much as I prefer Sony products, MS has really impressed me and showed us what competition is all about.  


2008 winner = XBOX 360.


My opinion.





 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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2008 belongs to psrock for always having such great avatars.

In terms of sale, nintendo of course. In terms of games, sony: MGS4, GT5P, R2, M2, LBP, crisis core and god of war psp.

My opinion - Winner = Console which offers best games.

2008 winner = PS3. 2007 was 360's.

badgenome said:
2008 belongs to psrock for always having such great avatars.



 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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psrock said:
badgenome said:
2008 belongs to psrock for always having such great avatars.



And keep it up in 2009!


Overall sales: Wii
Between HD console sales: 360
HD consoles game sales: 360
Overall games: 360/PS3

2008 Games = PS3
2008 sales = Nintendo, Wii, DS
2008 Format Winner = Blu-Ray, PS3, Sony
2008 best strategy plan = MS an the X360 price cut
2008 best sales gain = MS and the 360

Nintendo won. Ms surprised us. Sony... well, they had some really good exclusives.


but the xbox360 has improved A LOT

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