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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ps3 missing out on AAA games do to difficulty of development. What a shame.

Man, if the ps3 wasn't so hard to develop for this little gem would have never been cancelled and ps3 fans would really have an excellent game to play!

Destroy all Humans - clearly a AAA game at 36%

Too bad it was cancelled though.... man now I realize why these forums were making such a huge fuss about this game getting cancelled. I see the light now. Ps3 is no good. 360 gets all the great games because of how easy it is to make the games on the platform.

Update: THQ has confirmed with Shacknews that the PlayStation 3 version of Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon has indeed been cancelled, citing "development issues." Now an Xbox 360 exclusive, Furon ships to North American retailers on December 1.
And development problems continue with the PS3 even after 2 years and the 360 gets another exclusive without opening its wallet.

Shacknews reports that THQ's upcoming (and cow probing) Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon has been canceled on the Playstation 3 citing "development issues" as being the main reason. Though, THQ is still commited to releasing the Xbox 360 version the first week ofDecember, making Path of the Furon a 360 exclusive. Maybe not an A+ blockbuster exclusive, but it's an exclusive none the less. Enjoy the latest game trailer as a makeshift exclusivity celebration.

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Oh don't give up.

You can play this on your ps3. And if you don't live in Europe...the games on ps3 are region better get this imported.

This game is importable from EU, a british version would be prefered since there speak english only with a really cool acsent. :P

Yet another example of Microsoft screwing with the market.  All the more reason to fuck Microsoft.

I wonder if FUD ever works with the gaming crowd in general. It's not like those big server deals where people will blow several thousands of dollars per mistake. I don't know about you but from what I see they're now falling back on their tried and true tactic, fear uncertainty and doubt. Sigh.

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So what you are doing here...let me get this are taking previous forum topcs (which were wrong to begin with) to argue a point that exclusives don't matter? Or is this about how ps3 development issues cause games to go xbox exclusive?

That makes sense I guess. It would explain why resistance 2 and LBP have a hard time selling as much as PS3 fans hyped them to be.

Wait...didnt you just make this thread?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
Wait...didnt you just make this thread?


 got locked because it said god damn it in the title

Its a really bad game it doesn't deserve the PS3.

swearitsoul said:
Its a really bad game it doesn't deserve the PS3.


 Honestly i really did hear the game was crap.