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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I vote for more creativity in games!

Vote with your dollars on the creative games already out there. That's the only way you'll get more.


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All opposed, say "Nay!!"


look at this piece of awesomeness. SACRED 2!


It's hard to do that on a saturated Market. On platforms such PS3 or 360 and PSP, they fall in the lazyness of doing amazing graphics and the game remanis pretty much the same we had in PSone era.

It's really hard to develop something different and unique on platforms that have the same base idea as the consoles from the 90's..

Only on Wii or DS (and iPhone) it is more easy to come up with new and fresh stuff. Although it still a bit chalenging.

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Dev's sometimes "Need" to milk IP's.

4 ≈ One

Yea, because that's such an easy thing to achieve. Devs have a switch labelled "New Idea" that they dare to click every now and again.

I vote for more completely original inventions!

haha yeah that game was awesome in the sense that i faintly remember if you beat another cyborg you could take a part of them and add it to your own and upgrade your players...(I don't really remember haha maybe thats just my imagination)


Anyways as it has been mentioned the only real way to vote is with your money and going out to buy games that are good and show creativity or something different that hasn't been done before. But how can you blame publishers when you can come out with nearly the same product year in and year out and make millions (ala sport franchises and the like) That is why sadly i rarely rush out and buy the maddens, etc and will usually grab them used a couple years down unless I intended to play online (challenge throw down by my students) as that is what got me to buy fifa last year haha

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - author unknown

Most people who talk about creativity wouldn't know it if it bit them in the rear. And even if they did it would be difficult to get a publisher to pay for it.