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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pachter: Doubs GTA China Town Wars will be a hit, thinks DS is for girls.

ok he is very low in his estimate but i can't see it do amazing either

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Pachter is trolling, he is clearly a fool thinking that DS is only owned by girls. GTA will sell on the DS , because it is GTA one of the biggest franchises on the planet. It's similar to GTA on PS2 or 360, many people (few of my mates included) both those systems for Sports Games/Racing Games but all of them got some kind of GTA because it was so popular and still is.

Killergran said:
As usual, I think Pachter will be right, but for the wrong reasons. My reasoning is a bit different.

1. The very best games on the DS, and the ones that are really worth buying, are the ones that you cannot get on any other machine. Like Brain Training, Elite Beat Agents and Phoenix Wright. Half the point of the DS is its uniqueness.

2. A Grand Theft Auto for DS feels, to me, half-assed. It's inevitable that it in the consumers mind gets compared to GTA IV as well as the not so good first two installments of the series. It's not going to be a flattering comparison.

5 million the first year is ridiculous. 1 million, possibly 2. And probably around 500k in the US.


EDGE actually had a very glowing preview of it. It's a more of a short-burst play GTA.

I have very low expectation for GTA: Chinatown Wars too. First off, anyone expecting anything remotely close to the PSP games will be terribly disappointed. This is a radically different GTA.

I don't think it will sell on Brand alone being so different from the games that made GTA what it is. It was pretty much have to find a new audience to introduce to GTA which in the crowded DS market can be hard.

Should sell decent but not amazing numbers.


I actually agree with him. I don't think GTA will sell much more than 500k in the US. But so what? If the game can sell anywhere close to a million worldwide it'd be a financial succes for Take 2.

Also, I'm pretty sure the game will see minimal advertizing, so again: 500k in the US would not be bad at all.

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Plus most of us gamers know that if we purchase GTA-DS and it does very well for Rockstar you can bet that we will see a GTA-Wii sometime after. I remember reading tha GTA-DS is testing the waters for Rockstar to see if GTA-Wii will sell well.

I can be almsot certain that it is alot cheaper to produce a DS game then it would for them to creat a GTA game from the ground up for Wii.

Albion - Its Fun as Ballz !!!!!

Pachter, the man with no knowledge

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Everybody's ragging on him for this, but read my other post and tell me why that his analysis isn't based in some pretty logical thinking?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I guess it is logical, but I still have my doubts. It's like saying Dragon Quest X will underperform on the Wii, since core games/RPG's (not including Nintendo) haven't found much success yet.

Okay, that may be a bit exaggerated, but you get what I mean.

There is a greatly diverse user-base to the DS.

This game will do better than Patcher predicts but will not be as high as some of the absurd numbers being thrown about.

It will go platinum though

Mike from Morgantown


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