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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 leads PS3 in Europe by one million units" width="119" height="128">According to GfK Chart-Track data, the PlayStation 3 is still trailing the Xbox 360 by one million units in Europe. While the console was steadily closing the gap with arch-rival Xbox 360 at the start of the year, Microsoft’s decision to slash prices in September and Sony’s unwillingness (or inability) to follow suit, widened the gap. With £99 Xbox 360 Arcade deals floating around right now, it looks highly likely that Microsoft will own this Christmas. If you ignore Nintendo, that is.


Microsoft’s ongoing hardware lead shouldn’t comes as too much of a surprise, seeing as the platform had over a year’s head start on the PS3. However, earlier in the year, Sony’s David Reeves was celebrating Sony’s new lead over the Xbox 360 in Europe. Either there has been a bit of a dramatic turnaround or someone was being a little over-optimistic with their figures.

Sony has also announced this month that it has a wider install base in PAL regions, which includes Europe, along with Australia and others.

Bear in mind though, that no-one truly knows for certain how many units of each console have sold. Microsoft and Sony aren’t going to tell each other exactly how many they’ve each shipped, and even so, shipping numbers are only a crude estimate of how many have actually sold. Third-party estimates are just that, estimates, and shouldn’t be taken as gospel truth.

However, one thing’s clear: Microsoft’s decision to drop Xbox 360 prices ahead of the Xmas rush has had a significant effect on its performance in Europe and will probably give it a healthy lead going into 2009. Sony does have a pretty decent looking games line-up for next year though and a rumoured price cut, while Xbox’s is looking somewhat lacking right now.

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With the 360 being as cheap or cheaper then the PS2 in Europe i don't see why its not selling even more.

The gap between XBox 360 and PS3 in Europe will continue to widen for the near foreseeable future. Can not beat the price of XBox 360 so attractive in comparison to PS3 and offers around 90% of the game's library on PS3 and XBox 360 has some excellent exclusives of its own which are arguably better than PS3's exclusives, depending on game preference.

well yes, thats in the UK isnt it? 1 million.

VGChartz difference (the article is shipped though?)

X360: 7815K

Ps3: 7419K


Okay, but note one thing. This does not necessarily indicte VGChartz is overtracking Ps3 or undertracking X360.

The X360 is heavily outselling the Ps3 in Others. Having shipped more units is thus probable. Maybe not 600K, but it is probably within 200K.

At least this rules out the Ps3 being undertracked against the X360, which many have been claiming lately.


PS: I haven't even read the article, as your post is gibberish on my PC, and the links do not work (404)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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WOW, a whole one million units???


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

poor ps3.....

go 360

You'd think with the 360's price and over a year early entry that the difference would be much bigger in the 360's favor. Never the less.

Go PS3!

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
You'd think with the 360's price and over a year early entry that the difference would be much bigger in the 360's favor. Never the less.

Go PS3!

You'd think with Europe being Sonyland for the past decade or so that the PS3 would not be being outsold by both the Wii and 360 in Europe. Never the less.

See what I did there

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"