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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Next Zelda pretty much confirmed for 2010

You know, that's exactly what I used to think, but if Nintendo can announce a new redesigned system and release it a month later, I think it can apply to games too.

As for Zelda, I believe it all depends on how the development is coming along. If they're close to finished, they'll announce it at E3 (or at their own conference, if they have one) with a release date later that year. What I think is more likely is a 2010 release, with the announcement of the game at E3 2010 (or maybe Nintendo conference 2009).

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85

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This doesn't say that they aren't showing it at E3. Careful about jumping the gun.

I hope that they announce it to 2009 holidays', so I can rest assured that they'll release it at 2010 holidays' =)

^Click on cards to level'em up!!!^ =D

I'm trying to put things into perspective for everybody..

mid 2007 was when Zelda Wii started production.. By the time E3 rolls around it will have been 2 years of development while TP had 3 years..

I just don't think 2009 fits..

I mean if they have made a lot faster progress for this game than they did with Tp then yes I can 2009 being a possibility but even at E3 miyamoto said they were still looking for some big new ideas..

I just don't want people saying 'what happened to zelda!?' when the next E3 comes and goes..


I can't wait that long. :(

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Three years should be long enough - starting from the TP engine. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't his this Xmas (or close).

Unless they have something extra special to fill the gap...

Gesta Non Verba

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scottie said:
You assume that there are only 2 days in the year on which Zelda Wii could be announced - E3 or that October conference. Why not announce in August for a November release? 3 months between announcement and release, as with Mario Kart.

Also, he didn't say that it wouldn't be announced at E3, just that it might not be


Mario Kart was announced at E3 2007 and released in April of this year.

I expect that Zelda is the type of game they would want to give a little longer time period to build hype before release.

6 or 8 months is probably more like it for Zelda. I don't think that's so early that the hype would get out of control.

Of course, this is all speculation. It isn't like Nintendo is being consistent about this. If they're trying to establish a new pattern, we haven't seen it enough to know how it goes yet.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

shams said:
Three years should be long enough - starting from the TP engine. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't his this Xmas (or close).

Unless they have something extra special to fill the gap...


So Christmas 2009 is already "this Christmas"? Wow.

(And be prepared to be disappointed...)

Remember, we got Phantom Hourglass too. 2 internally developed Zelda games in a year's time. It could take Nintendo longer than normal to turn around for the next one. Especially with them doing some sort of as-of-yet undefined partial reboot of the series for Wii.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Erik Aston said:
shams said:
Three years should be long enough - starting from the TP engine. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't his this Xmas (or close).

Unless they have something extra special to fill the gap...


So Christmas 2009 is already "this Christmas"? Wow.

(And be prepared to be disappointed...)

Remember, we got Phantom Hourglass too. 2 internally developed Zelda games in a year's time. It could take Nintendo longer than normal to turn around for the next one. Especially with them doing some sort of as-of-yet undefined partial reboot of the series for Wii.

Man, I have been doing that for months - refering to 2009 as "this year" :P

Don't ask me why... I really have no idea. I haven't hated 2008 that much - maybe I'm just looking forward to next year a lot (maybe game-wise :P).

I ducked into EB & JB the other day - and apart from WiiSpeak, its the first time I can remember not wanting to buy ANYTHING (game wise) for Xmas. Animal Crossing can wait...


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

sc94597 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Valkyria00 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I always said Retro Zelda = 2009, Zelda Wii = 2010

What do you mean? Theres no way they'll release a 2D Zelda now.


I think he means Wiimake of Wind Waker.

I think he is talking about the rumored Zelda spinoff made by Retro Studios.


Even if Retro Zelda isn't true I still don't expect Zelda Wii until like Spring 2010. If it's the revolution it's hinted to be, that' would actually be faster than the time between LttP and OoT.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"