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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Take Two: We just can't ignore the Wii's install base. We just can't.

In addition, making cheap minigame collections for the Wii and using the profits to finance their "big" projects on the PS360, which causes heavy losses, is not economically viable!

Why don't they develop "big" games for the Wii at a lower cost and require fewer sales to profit? They'd then turn a much bigger profit if that game sells a lot for the same quantity sold as the PS360 versions.

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Basically he's saying:

We believe Wii owners are statistically less likely to buy certain types of (=good) games. There are just so damn many of them, that they're starting to be a viable market for virtually anything.

Or well... a viable market for at least something. Hopefully something that they put some effort into. =P

unfortunately, most of the wii's huge user base is uninterested in anything that doesn't waggle and isn't easy to understand.

^Then make a game using intuitive motion controls for various violent actions.

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bugrimmar said:
unfortunately, most of the wii's huge user base is uninterested in anything that doesn't waggle and isn't easy to understand.


 Which makes the repetitive nature of GTA perfect for the Wii user base then

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Goodlife said:

This is what I don't understand.  GTA sold many many millions on the PS2, a console which is, in every way, inferior to the Wii.  Why would it not be appropriate on the Wii?  It could breath new life into the series.  Mario Kart style controls when driving, Resident Evil style control when shooting, Motion+ for knife attacks, flying planes, driving boats etc.

Makes no sense to me


Common sense isn't so common.

i forgot to mention that majority of the wii's userbase also only cares about party games.

I think the funny thing is they basically admitted that up until now, they were purposely trying to ignore the Wii.



bugrimmar said:
i forgot to mention that majority of the wii's userbase also only cares about party games.


 Again, GTA will be perfect then

gta isn't a party game. its a single player experience, which is why its online absolutely sucks.