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Forums - General Discussion - need help with star wars 4-6

I was doing some shopping and was looking to get star wars 4-6, but to many people were complaining thats the dvd have been f**ked with by Lucas. So my question which boxset contains all the original stuff from the theatrical release,. here is what one person said

I have to say, I hate this version of the trilogy. I remember seeing the original version as a kid, and I loved it. It was such an amazing experience. There was really nothing like it at the time, and the story pulled me in to such an extent that I saw the movie(s) multiple times and loved them each and every time. It was not only my experience of the movie, but that of my family and my friends as well. It was a shared social experience to see the original version of the story. So what that the special effects weren't perfect. My imagination filled in details that weren't specifically shown on the screen. And, as many times as I saw that story, like many kids, I want to see THAT version of the story. I don't want to see George Lucas's "Oooo, I really wish I could have done this when I made this movie. It would have been so much cooler if...." I really hate George Lucas for mucking up a social icon. I want to see the story that I experienced and loved as a kid, not the version that George Lucas felt compelled to tweak.

I refuse to buy this version of the movie. If George ever decides to put out the "original" NON-special edition version of this movie, I will buy it in a heartbeat. Until then, I'll have to live with the really old and bad VHS copy that I bought as soon as the trilogy was released onto VHS originally.


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Personally, I think all of the crazzies are just stupid. The better after the changes for the most part. I can only think of maybe one change that could have been left out.

Just buy the damn movie and enjoy the better effects and 'true' vision of the man who created the entire story/films in the first place.

I saw all of the originals as a kid, and I must say that I thoroughly enjoy the enhanced version DVDs. I also enjoyed the prequels. Star Wars is awesome. The only F' up I cringe at is when Han and Greedo shoot at each other. What the hell? Greedo is a bounty hunter and he misses from 2 feet away!?!?

^^^^Leave Anakin alone!!!

I agree with both, the fat Southpark guy & the Futurama santa.

I too saw the original movies as a child on the big screen (first one in 1979 - I´ll never forget) and they are still great with the technical enhancements. I still love them 30 years later, no matter which version. Like chunk hinted & lewis said: The shootout is the only real unnecessary change (same stupid, hypocrite PC as the vanishing guns in E.T.).

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And for the record, a non-enhanced version is available on DVD if you just can't stand the thought of improved effects and a sharper picture.

Oddly enough, Episode IV was in my DVD player when you made this thread. I was watching all 6 movies (One a day) and that's how far I had gotten.

Just buy the altered dvds, most changes improved the films, and the series as a whole

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

For everyone except die hard oldschool Star Wars fans the box set is perfect. Lucas added some extra stuff, like characters, and it is clearly visible that these were added later (especially in the part where Luke goes to Jabba's place) but it's not annoying. The better visuals + better sound definitely make this the better deal.

Look for the 2 disc sets of each film.

On the second disc it has the original versions of the Star Wars films 4-6. However!

They are NON-ANAMORPHIC and do not have 5.1 sound.

Also Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope in now just Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope was added a year after its original release and has been removed from the DVD release!

I would still have the original versions over the (admittedly) GLOURIOUS LOOKING AND SOUNDING BASTARDISATIONS that are the 2004 DVD releases!

It is because someone have mentioned it otherwise I never had noticed the extra's in the original trilogy except for Jabba's bar.