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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do HD VGA cables support 1080p?

nordlead said:
DO NOT go to a local electronics store. Go to and get a high quality in-wall cable for a fraction of the price.

You can get an HDMI cable from monoprice too, in like 8 different colors for easy wire identification.

This. Nordlead is absolutely correct. You can also find dirt cheap cables on eBay. I got a huge DVI to DVI cable for $6. Shipping was forever, but still worth it.

Never, ever buy cables from big box retailers. The markup is absolutely ridiculous.


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Black level on RGBHV for computer monitors is different than that of a television.  Thus, even though most TVs support RGBHV (VGA), colors may appear "washed out" when compared to being displayed on a computer monitor.

You can drop the brightness on your TV and also set the black level in the XBOX 360 options to a different setting (that only applies to DVDs though).

Just get HDMI you cheap bastard, it's not that expensive.

Unless you require an optical output for 5.1 surround, you can just use a standard HDMI cable. It hooks up to your TV, and if your TV is hooked up to surround sound, you can output it that way. That's how I do it with my 360 and PS3. No need to buy the "special" MS HDMI cable at all unless your TV is very old and not capable of outputting sound to your surround system.

When I had a 360 I used the VGA cable for 1080p, and it worked fine. If the picture looks washed out, it is because the 360 isn't currently using the full RGB spectrum - just adjust the appropriate display settings to correct for this.

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VGA cables are very good,i hate playing on regular TV because of the Water-paint like colors.

nightsurge said:
Unless you require an optical output for 5.1 surround, you can just use a standard HDMI cable. It hooks up to your TV, and if your TV is hooked up to surround sound, you can output it that way. That's how I do it with my 360 and PS3. No need to buy the "special" MS HDMI cable at all unless your TV is very old and not capable of outputting sound to your surround system.

I definitely agree, but my 32" LCD does component and DVI - no HDMI. And from the look of it, a lot of folks with older big screens have the same prob. In that instance, you can't use just the HDMI out. You have to get that stinkin' MS cable - or mod one. And you can't sound with your DVI to HDMI cable either.


madskillz said:
nightsurge said:
Unless you require an optical output for 5.1 surround, you can just use a standard HDMI cable. It hooks up to your TV, and if your TV is hooked up to surround sound, you can output it that way. That's how I do it with my 360 and PS3. No need to buy the "special" MS HDMI cable at all unless your TV is very old and not capable of outputting sound to your surround system.

I definitely agree, but my 32" LCD does component and DVI - no HDMI. And from the look of it, a lot of folks with older big screens have the same prob. In that instance, you can't use just the HDMI out. You have to get that stinkin' MS cable - or mod one. And you can't sound with your DVI to HDMI cable either.
