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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has a location ever reminded you of a location in a video game?

i was driving the other day, and there was fog everywhere and no people on the road


it just reminded me of silent hill for some reason


so do you have any?

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I was out driving in a valley during the fog and thought of the mist continent from Final Fantasy IX, but other than that no.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

London always reminds of The Getaway , i'm not so sure why....

I went to Hawaii for vacation, and it reminded me of Test Drive Unlimited.


The downtown area of miami at times reminds me of Half life 2..what a good feeling that is


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My school reminds me of the school from bully

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

About two years ago I took a vacation on a cruise ship.  I had the incredible urge to put on a wet suit and sneak around the place à la Splinter Cell: Double Agent's Cozumel cruise ship mission.

I'm flying to Las Vegas in a few weeks, so I half expect to have some Rainbow Six: Vegas flashbacks.

colonelstubbs said:
My school reminds me of the school from bully


lol i remember seeing some guy that looked like the main character from bully

Happiness Island in GTAIV makes me feel like I'm in New York Harbor.


allyways remind me of sonic unleashed spagonia night stage.

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