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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does Microsoft need to release the nextbox 1 year before the competition?

i think they need to and most likely will, but i dont think sony are going to let them get such a big headstart next time but whats saying the devs are ready for next gen? i mean they are bleeding enough as is with the " small" user basis of the HD consoles. it would kill them to jump into the next gen to soon

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Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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Being first this gen made the difference from being successful 2nd instead of an also-ran 3rd. It gave them a bigger game selection. Great games coming out when PS3 had only Resistance, bragging rights about how much more software they sell for developers, and the all important ability to remain priced lower than the PS3 all generation long.

I think MS will definately want to launch 1st again. And if Sony is smart, they'll let them and then put out a system that is distinctly different from MS instead of one that is basically the same.


What will the next box do without Halo? Isn't 3 supposed to be the last, hence "finish the fight"

On topic: They need to if they want to beat PS4 which will come out firing on all cylinders because they learned from the mistakes of the PS3.

I think So.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

I believe Sony will release their next console either at the same time as the next XBox or maybe even a year before the next XBox.

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I think Gearbox is rumoured to be developing Halo 4 for the next Xbox. 'Finish the fight' could be finish what was started in Halo 2, since it ended with a cliffhanger.

Halo 4: 'Pick a new fight!'

NexBox sounds like a good name for MS new console.

numonex said:
NexBox sounds like a good name for MS new console.

Eww, that sounds horrible :P


  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

I think after this thrashing they gave sony you wont see the next system untill 2012. This would benefit both Sony and Microsoft as MS would be able to fit more than 12 cores on their system by that time and sony should be able to put 3 or 4 cells together. Also by then the broadband in the US should be almost completely taken over dial up and reached the 50 m/s mark for most of the US.

What makes me think more is, again, how Nintendo doesn't let leak anything about its own next gen strategy.
What's for sure, anyway, is that given how hard was MS' reaction to a Sony attempt that, with hindsight, could only fall short due to lack of RAM, whoever will try next to make a console capable of becoming the main living room home computer and entertainment control centre, won't let MS know until it's too late.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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