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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does Microsoft need to release the nextbox 1 year before the competition?

if they don't sony will be very happy




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They not only need to release a good year before the PS4, they also need to consider hardware issues: We don't need another RROD fiasco. Period.

It's just that simple.

If they like money they wouldn't.

FaithRaven said:

While the "little inovation but way more power" killed the PS3 it seems to work really really well for Xbox. This is mostly thanks to Microsoft's advertising skills and LIVE.

Heck people were betting few months ago if PS3 will pass 360 this year or next one. Now many don't have balls to bet that PS3 will ever pass 360.

A more powerful Xbox being able to play 1080p games launched somewhere in 2010 with 100% backwards compatibility can only be win for Microsoft. Nintendo will probably won't suffer from this but Sony will sure won't be able to sell much more PS3s and I doubt that they will have a PS4 ready in 2010.

I'm currently a Wii only owner but it's almost sure that I will also buy Microsoft's next console.


 Ya, I think 100% backwards compatibility is key for the next xbox.  With stuff like XBLA and DLC (stuff like Rock band songs especially), people won't want to lose all their games and downloads.   People want to buy the new xbox, take it out of the box, spend 20 minutes transferring their HD contents, then log into live (with the same gamertag) and play a 720 game for an hour, then pop in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (360 version) and play with their friends who haven't upgraded and talk about the 720.


jesus kung fu magic said:

The J man believes no , Microsoft is already proving to be big in the game industy and is seen as an equal to sony (which was not the case last gen).

So the J man believes that microsoft doesnt need to release 1 year before the competition to get better sales than they are now.


 I disagree. Where do you think Microsoft would be if they had launched the 360 at $600? Even a year in advance? Sony's reputation is the only reason they can even survive such a move, MS isn't there just yet.

As for the 1 year head start, I think Nintendo is likely to have it. They didn't lose money on any consoles, so it's really not hurting them to spend money on the R&D of their next console since early in this generation.

I think it's critical MS release ahead of Sony again, however. The headstart is a massive advantage, and there's really no way for Sony  to release earlier. Some people are suggesting Sony just throw in the towel for this gen and wait for the PS4, but this is without considering the fact that a PS4 would be extremely expensive to create and produce. Sony has little choice but to make this generation a long one, due to their current financial crisis. MS doesn't have a similar problem. They can ride the 360 a couple more years, and launch their next console ahead of sony without rushing their product to market like last time. They'll also be able to keep the 360 in production/making profit for a while after the 720 releases, instead of sunsetting it almost overnight like the original Xbox.

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DMeisterJ said:
Before the next Wii? Yes, before the next PS? maybe.



4 ≈ One

i predict next gen will be microsofts...

No one thinks that Sony will launch their console close if not before the nextbox and at a cheaper price? why do you think they invested so much money in Blu-ray and their Cell? whats Xbox going to use next round as a format? DVD's? or just straight Digital Distribution? because I know they Wont Adopt Blu-ray with them being so negative about it

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It dosen't matter, next gen xbox will always superior than ps4,5.....

It’s not as if Sony is completely devoid of control when it comes to their release date either…people talk about the 360’s head start as an excuse to defend the PS3’s sales numbers, instead of viewing it as ‘wow, they waited a whole year, no wonder they’re in this position.’