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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Any console ever had an higher fail rate than 360?

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths:  (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?


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Some people will say there has been, but i bet there hasnt

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The first year or so of the PS2 was pretty bad, they might have well been disposable.  People like to forget about it, but they were every bit just as bad as the 360's then (of course it did get fixed).  I remember using the DVD player on the PS2 use to mean certain death for it.

twesterm said:

The first year or so of the PS2 (...)

360 is already 3 years on the market and RROD is out there. I had a PS2 too and it failed too, but saying it was bigger than 360 is just insane I think.

No I don't think it did. First gen PS1 and PS2 come close.

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One_touch_KO said:
twesterm said:

The first year or so of the PS2 (...)

360 is already 3 years on the market and RROD is out there. I had a PS2 too and it failed too, but saying it was bigger than 360 is just insane I think.


It's odd, you underlined the part you completely missed...

Maybe if I underline all of this you might see it?

For the first year of the PS2, they probably had about the same failure rate.

Yeah the first year of the PS2 was pretty bad. I didn't have one at that point, but most of my friends ended up buying new ones, I'm not sure if Sony fixed/replaced them the way M$ finally started doing so. I had a buddy who ended up buying 4 copies of Tekken because disc drive kept scratching the discs. I also had a friend who would go buy a new PS2, replace the Serial code with the one on his old PS2, and return the old one in the new one's box every time it busted.

As much as I love the 360, it probably has the highest failure rate of any piece of consumer electronics, ever.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:
As much as I love the 360, it probably has the highest failure rate of any piece of consumer electronics, ever.

I agree with this statement, hopefully it will be fixed.