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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's development slump

I know Khan isn't a fanboy but some of these guys in this thread carrying on the whole Wii has no games forget that in 2007 Nintendo carried the gaming industry that year with a slew of games, and even then getting negative press as being a fad, an inferior console, something that will die in the next year, etc. Now that it hasn't happened and Nintendo released it's big games early this year to appease fans the gaming press and fanboys attack the lack of games when there really isn't a lack of games just the big hitters came early this year, think of it as Christmas in Q1 if you will while everyone else had their big hitters Q3 and mostly Q4 and not to mention a lot of these titles were ones that got delayed over a year or more.

So how does it look? Wii has no games and HD consoles got a slew of them, what it actually is, Nintendo providing fan service releasing games fast while having more big hitters in the melting pot right now and the delayed games from the HD consoles finally made it to release. Sound more like the HD fanboys got shafted for 2 years until this holiday season and Wii players actually had games to play the whole time instead of getting upset on the internet at random people haha.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Maybe they're just too busy swimming int ehir money bin, Scrooge MacDuck style. =)

Or making a really huge game, or a new engine for the Wii.