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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's development slump

makingmusic476 said:
I think people are looking at Nintendo's past days with rose-tinted glasses. Nintendo, as awesome as they are, have NEVER been able to pump out a game like SMG or SSBB ever quarter of the year. Just look at the droughts people had to suffer through during the GC era.


Yeah, Nintendo is not EA or Activision. They don't just pump out titles. They make some potboilers, but even those have slowed (Mario Party, for one).

Then again this seems to be the belief that if it isn't announced, it isn't being made. Stop being as thick-headed as trestres.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:
makingmusic476 said:
I think people are looking at Nintendo's past days with rose-tinted glasses. Nintendo, as awesome as they are, have NEVER been able to pump out a game like SMG or SSBB ever quarter of the year. Just look at the droughts people had to suffer through during the GC era.


Yeah, Nintendo is not EA or Activision. They don't just pump out titles. They make some potboilers, but even those have slowed (Mario Party, for one).

Then again this seems to be the belief that if it isn't announced, it isn't being made. Stop being as thick-headed as trestres.


Agreed.  As Nintendo has shown lately with Mario Kart and Animal Crossing, they're now announcing games rather close to release.

As a result, I still believe that Zelda Wii will make it out next year.  ^_^

I hope I'm not wrong.  >_>

Kyros said:
I just find it strange that first party development can slump so hard.

sigh, good games take multiple years to develop. After getting their behind kicked with the Gamecube they released every single one of their biggest franchises in the first 18 months of the Wii. They could do this because the technology between Wii and Gamecube was so similar.

And it worked. While Sony didn't release anything worthwhile in the first 12 months and suffered for it, Nintendo kicked serious butt.

But now it takes multiple years to release the next round of big games and all that is left is the mediocre stuff you mentioned. Doesn't seem to hurt them though.


Pretty much sums up everything I had in mind.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

Nintendo works in mysterious ways.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Its not a dev slump OR a release slump. Remember that its the LAST qrt of the fiscal year, and Ninty will shuffle their schedule to make their fiscal results look good.

This gives extra space for their existing title - MK, WiiFit, WiiMusic, (etc) to keep selling - and also gives third party devs some hope of stealing the limelight until the next big wave of releases hit.

I think Ninty sniffs that Sony is up to something at the start of the next fiscal year (i.e. April '09), and is holding some cards close to their chest for that period.

Finally - Ninty could "spring a surprise" on us at anytime - it wouldn't need more than a months notice.

Just like its been for the last 2 years - their PRIMARY CONCERN at the moment is maximising production capacity (and shuffling money between US/Euro/Yen). Releasing additional (big) titles is just not on the radar at the moment.

It might suck from a "gaming" point of view - but I think Ninty is planning on having the Wii around for a LONG time - so plenty of time for big titles to hit.

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So does that mean Mario Power Tennis won't use motion+?
This makes me sad :(

Thread closed - there are many identical threads around, find one of them to post in

Oh wait, I'm not a mod so I can't close this thread

I'm not really surprised by this "slump" because, honestly, what were people expecting to materialize in the course of about 3 months? We knew about the Wii ports and looking at the Japanese schedule I thought that was pretty obvious when they'd launch those games here.

It's unrealistic to expect anything "big" we didn't already know about to be announced before E3, so you've got a couple more months to sit through if you're looking for hype. Me? I have a backlog of games I still need to buy, so it's not bothering me in the least.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Nintendo and slump don't currently belong in the same sentence.

Galaki said:
Nintendo and slump don't currently belong in the same sentence.

Save in the negative context, of course, ie. Nintendo is far from being in a slump right now.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.