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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 50cents per 360 could have prevented disc scratching???

MS wanted to release the XBOX 360 into the market as quickly as possible and even minor modifcatons could have delayed the release by months.

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MS says less than 1 percent of 360 users are effected

coolestguyever said:
WiiBox3 said:

 Johnson filed his suit after his console scratched three store-bought game discs, and is seeking $50,000 in punitive damages.


 Thats great to see, he's trying to get $50,000 for having 3 games scratched, a retail value of under $200. All Americans think is how can I sue. They're too lazy to work so they look for a way to sue.

Sad but true. Even the ones who have more money than they know what to do with still try to sue.


Well, why move the console when its switched on!?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Microsoft would rather you pay $20 for a new game than they pay 50 cents to keep your game from scratching.

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@matt even a 0.003% faliure rate would affect arround 75,000 consoles based on the current install base of the 360.

What the hell are you all talking about?

There talking about 50 cent the rapper , he is like the reincarnation of einstein except gets bitches and rolls on 28's

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

nightsurge said:
headshot91 said:
lol@nightsurege did the drink drving law suit really happen? if so damn thats sad!

Yes it did happen. Unfortunately...

People here try to sue over anything. I can't believe courts have let so many like this actually be approved.


That's probably why the US has 80% of the worlds lawyers.