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Forums - Sony Discussion - Team ICO 1st Xmas Surprise!!!!

masterb8tr said:
god damn, dont get my hopes up:(


i swear to you that the top part wasnt there when i first saw the anagram.......

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but at the same time what i dont get is how is feb 09 an important date for the site if it isnt here yet..... idk

jpespinal said:
masterb8tr said:
god damn, dont get my hopes up:(


i swear to you that the top part wasnt there when i first saw the anagram.......


i know, it wasnt directed at you either i was thinking about tje magazine.

jpespinal said:
masterb8tr said:
god damn, dont get my hopes up:(


i swear to you that the top part wasnt there when i first saw the anagram.......


YOU MUST DIE SIR!!! Do you have any idea of the emotional roller coaster you have just put me through!!!



Why is SkyNet wearing a PS3 Logo???


TheGuardianFID said:
jpespinal said:
masterb8tr said:
god damn, dont get my hopes up:(


i swear to you that the top part wasnt there when i first saw the anagram.......


YOU MUST DIE SIR!!! Do you have any idea of the emotional roller coaster you have just put me through!!!


trust me im hurting just as bad....... i just also dont get this: if feb 09 is an important date but nothing to do with a new game... why put it in an anagram???? and if it has nothing to do with the new ico game then why not tell us the meaning behind feb 09??


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okay team ICO is average dude. I don't know why this site loves them so much.

I owned ICO and hated it, it was lame. Didn't bother with SOTC.

coolestguyever said:
okay team ICO is average dude. I don't know why this site loves them so much.

I owned ICO and hated it, it was lame. Didn't bother with SOTC.


How could you hate the most poetic game to ever grace a console ??? When has a game made you fear for a character as much as you fear for Yorda while playing ??

I know I was cold sweat when I had to let her out of my sight or whenever she was abducted.