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Forums - Sony Discussion - I'm lowering my opening week predictions for WKC

Mummelmann said:
Well, seeing how many good games have bombed in Japan this gen, I see no reason why WKC will gain immunity to this ailment.


actually...amen to that.

But I'm hoping theres a small chance that this game will be the shot in the arm thats so badly needed over there right now as far as the PS3 is concerned.

I'll just have to wait and see.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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If online was the main thing to drag the score down and single player is like other Level 5 RPGs, things will be ok for Japan. 95% of Japanese gamers could give two craps about online gaming.

You can pre-order this game at convenience stores even in country-side towns like mine. The only other one I've seen since I've been here (September) is Dissidia. I don't know what that means for sales, but it must have higher demand than other games being released right now.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Now it's cool and all but why exactly does the OP started new thread to tell us that ? And why in Sony forum ?

I still belive in 200k+ opening for Japan.


Spankey said:
Mummelmann said:
Well, seeing how many good games have bombed in Japan this gen, I see no reason why WKC will gain immunity to this ailment.


actually...amen to that.

But I'm hoping theres a small chance that this game will be the shot in the arm thats so badly needed over there right now as far as the PS3 is concerned.

I'll just have to wait and see.


Absolutely! Its kind of a make or break title for me, if this doesn't perform in Japan, it'll be pretty clear that they don't want any RPG's save for FF on HD consoles. Which is kinda sad, if more titles bomb, dev's will get more timid and safe their titles in the future at the expense of fresh concepts and new blood in the genre...

FilaBrasileiro said:

I had it somewhere between 200-250k, 300k if it was lucky, but I was expecting at least a 35/40 from Famitsu, considering the review sucked and it got a 29/40, I'm saying 100k first week max and 150k LTD. 

I just wanna make that known so folks don't come back and hold me to my original prediction.


100k first week max is far too low. The sales won't be affected much by Famitsu, but rather the marketing from Sony. Still, I've also downgraded my initial predictions from 250-300k to 200k being that Sony isn't going to bundle the game like they do with every other Japanese title.

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I still think with japanese ps3 owners crying out for a JRPG this game will sell, but now it wont hit the heights people hoped for...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Well if this game does not sell it simply means that Japanese PS3 owners really dont care for any Rpg's apart from FF XIII and versus, VC did not do great, Eternal Sonata bombed, if first big exclusive do not reach good sales then nothing apart from FF will (and maybe that wont even sell as much as people expect it)

Lolcislaw said:
Well if this game does not sell it simply means that Japanese PS3 owners really dont care for any Rpg's apart from FF XIII and versus, VC did not do great, Eternal Sonata bombed, if first big exclusive do not reach good sales then nothing apart from FF will (and maybe that wont even sell as much as people expect it)


Incorrect, this game apparently sucks, ES is a year old port, VC is a SRPG and sold great for the niche genre that it is in, the PS3 still has not gotten a great JRPG.

From one review you conclude a game sucks? :-/

Wii-music has probably had the most mixed reviews out there. Don't tell me you based your opinion solely on 1 review?

You just seem to want to downplay your own expectations, perhaps hoping you'll be proven wrong next week, so you can rejoice?

papflesje said:
From one review you conclude a game sucks? :-/

Wii-music has probably had the most mixed reviews out there. Don't tell me you based your opinion solely on 1 review?

You just seem to want to downplay your own expectations, perhaps hoping you'll be proven wrong next week, so you can rejoice?


If this was called Wii WKC it would sell a lot, but it's called just WKC, big difference, reviews do have an affect on game sales, I don't see why that's so hard to understand.