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Forums - General Discussion - Aaaaaargh. College (University) was a complete waste of time for me.

I don't get it. I only have my BSC degree in business administration (I'm currently doing my master) and I've landed more awesome accounting jobs already then. I'm currently the bookkeeper of a cleaning organization, and before this was a financial analyst at Heineken.

Like steven said, it's all about what you do besides college. Doing an internship helps greatly (I got my own project: increase knowledge sharing between our consultancy firm - 300 people - and our partners - 700 people -) and suddenly everyone sees your potential, especially when you did good.

Showing that you can work hard also helps.

But really, do those extra-curriculair activities and jobs and your golden!

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My mate did business and he had to work at some low level places as an office junior before he got anywhere good.

Feel sorry for me, my degree was in television technology, The most pointless degree ever.

Nobody is going to want to employ me for that. I am going to do something serious as my next step though. Maybe a PhD in something a bit more employable... if I can do one.

I just completed a Commerce degree undergraduate major in accounting. Waste of time people, unless you know people in that field.


After 4 years in your commerce program, how do you not know people in the accounting field? Did your school not host any networking events?

Personally, if I had my time back I never would have gone to college. It would have been better if I burned all of my savings and credit cards in my back yard, doing so would have saved me the years that I can't get back now.

Nooo dont say this! I finish uni in may, what am i gonna do now?!

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apply for some unpaid work experience, you gotta start somewhere, plus that will help you to make connections.

Also, a study is not there to get you a job. Finishing a course is merely there to show employers that you can take a certain amount of work and stress. Experience indeed comes in the field and you have to do some meaningless tasks to show that too first.

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


I actually lost all motivation to finish my international affairs degree because I realized it probably wasn't going to land me a very impressive job. At least not in this state or anywheres near it.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

you should have done a 4 year course with one year work placement, i am doing networking next year in a University and i applied for the 4 year course, i have a friend who completed his business course about 3 years ago but he still has no job, because of experience.

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highwaystar101 said:

Feel sorry for me, my degree was in television technology, The most pointless degree ever.

False!  The most pointless degree ever is a philosophy degree.  You either get a job as a philosophy teacher or wait tables.  Everyone I know who got that degree is still doing the second option.