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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I would buy console X if...

Thechalkblock said:
I would buy a 360 if you didn't have to pay for Xbox Live and if it had a Blu-Ray player installed.


You only have to pay for Live if you want to play multiplayer.  Judging from collection you don't have a lot of multiplayer needs and you already have a Blu-Ray player so why would you need another? 


Around the Network

i will buy the wii when it has all the following games released. Mario platformer. SSBB. Mario Kart. a Zelda game. plus a donkey kong game

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

I would buy a Wii if it had Shenmue III.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

@Thechalkblock, you don't have to pay for Xbox Live.

Xbox Live Silver is FREE!

Things you can do with Xbox Live Silver (100% Free):

  • Create your Gamertag and Avatar.
  • Always stay connected on Xbox Live.
  • Download Game Demos (Some demos are available 1 week after the official Gold member release).
  • View and add Friends.
  • Chat, message, text, and talk with your friends.
  • Downloads Movies, games videos.
  • Buy XBLA (Arcade Games).
  • Manage Microsoft Points, add Microsoft Points to your account.
  • Get gamerpics, new clothes for your avatar, new themes for your dashboard.
  • Share your gamer profile and achievements with millions of users.
  • Compare games, view your friend's activity in real time.
  • Buy and download Xbox1 games.
  • Download DLC for any game you want.
  • Rank in Leaderboards, know your Worldwide rank for any game.
  • Stay informed of any event, tournament, free Xbox Weekend, etc.

Things you cannot do with Xbox Live Silver (100% Free):

  • Get in a multiplayer match with other Xbox Live users.


My Gaming Setup

I would buy a Xbox 360 if they gave $100 from each xbox 360 sold to sony.

And I would buy a Wii if they discontinued the Wii today.

And also I would buy a Sega Genesis, but they stopped making them many many years ago.

(please don't hurt me)

Around the Network

I would buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 if I had *two* HD TVs (one for watching TV/Movies and one for playing games).

That'll be a long long way off as I don't have evenone yet.

I would buy a 360 if MS didn't make it, I would buy a PS3 if it weren't so damned expensive.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

~I own a PlayStation 3~

~I would buy an Xbox 360~ If: Xbox Live were 100% Free like PSN including online play with other people, If they had ___ and thats all.

~I would Never buy a Wii~


Dbl post.


I would buy a wii if it had a few more hardcore games i was interested in(no mario or zelda please)