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Keepin' it real fake, part CLXXII: Wu Fit -- it's Wii Fit, without the supply chain issues

So far as we can tell, the Wü Fit (see what they did there?) doesn't actually come with the Wii Fit software.

But unless we're being badly deceived, the knockoff balance board should operate just fine with the official game (seriously!) -- assuming that you can find it by its lonesome, which you can't.

The best (er, "only good") part? It's actually in stock for $92.95, which is more than the Big N can say about its genuine counterpart in much of the world. It's okay, we know you're seriously considering this over that eBay auction -- we promise not to tell.

Knock off is more expesive than the real thing and w/o the software...

Around the Network


wow just wow

and its more expensive and W/O software

i hope this doesnt fool lots of people

can people really do that? I mean doesn't nintendo have patents to keep other companies from using their ideas?

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

Why is the box all bent and crinkly looking?

Around the Network
taomaster06 said:
can people really do that? I mean doesn't nintendo have patents to keep other companies from using their ideas?


Knock-offs doesn't fear patent. When sued, they'd just close up and rename/rebrand it...

I dunno man, I smell copyright infringement all over this. The sad part is I couldn't tell the difference until I looked very carefully.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

Haha, wow. That would be a great joke gift for that someone you dislike if it didn't cost so damn much.

So wait, this will actually work with Skate it and Shaun White?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Galaki said:


Keepin' it real fake, part CLXXII: Wu Fit -- it's Wii Fit, without the supply chain issues

So far as we can tell, the Wü Fit (see what they did there?) doesn't actually come with the Wii Fit software.

But unless we're being badly deceived, the knockoff balance board should operate just fine with the official game (seriously!) -- assuming that you can find it by its lonesome, which you can't.

The best (er, "only good") part? It's actually in stock for $92.95, which is more than the Big N can say about its genuine counterpart in much of the world. It's okay, we know you're seriously considering this over that eBay auction -- we promise not to tell.

Knock off is more expesive than the real thing and w/o the software...



There is the actual console next to the wii.