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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the Wii failing to do/be that keeps it from 100% market share?

They aren't making enough.

I don't just mean demand either. If Nintendo made enough Wii's to use up all the resources that form the component parts of the 360 and PS3, they'd have a shot at their 100%. but those lazy bastards didn't get their ass in gear in time and the competition was able to make consoles (and even sell a few of them).

That's just bad business.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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The wii is lacking the ability to stand up and shoot missiles at any 360/PS3 within 1km of it. When that happens we should see its marketshare skyrocket.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


the reason for wii not getting to huge market share quick is third party support. can u name 10 titles that third party made that u want right now? pretty freaking hard in 30 seconds to come up with just ten.
dude the wii doesn't have a real final fantasy game i aint talking about no stinking crystal or whatever it is called, resident evil, gta, mgs, and countless others

It is not at 100% because there is at least one competitor o_O

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



hardcore gamers and silly people are the reason.

plenty of hardcore gamers have the wii but plenty more have chosen to go with the systems that get more of the high quality 3rd party support which hasn't been the wii so far. in the next couple years though as the 3rd parties put more and more high quality games on the wii we should see the percentage of traditional gamers who have the wii rise.

then there's the silly people. these are the people who hate the wii without ever having played it because they're silly. all of these people refer to themselves as hardcore gamers and tell funny lies like the wii has only kiddie/family games, its not possible to make hardcore games on the wii, and motion controls suck (thats more of an opinion but anyone who has spent anytime playing the wii knows thats not true). these are also the people who think the wii is bad simply because it doesn't have super realistic hd graphics and consider it not even a real system because of that.

i met a silly person recently, his unnatural hatred for the wii was hilarious to listen to as he ranted on about things that clearly he didn't understand cuz he's obviously never played the wii before.

the silly people are sad people and take gaming way too seriously and don't appreciate games nearly enough to actually be hardcore, while the hardcore people are normal and happened to choose graphics and more 3rd party support over innovation and fresh experiences.

so the wii won't get as high a market share as ps2 because of the larger graphical difference between the ps360 and wii as compared to the xbox/gamecube and ps2. also cuz some people just refuse to try new things and won't even try motion controls because they are afraid maybe to change. and finally because while the ps2 had all the 3rd party momentum going into last gen wii had no 3rd party momentum going into this gen so it's taking 2-3 years before other companies besides nintendo are ready to put out a lot of high quality games when the ps2 had them all firing their engines for sony from the very start.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

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100% market share?

Thread fail of epic proportions.

Is even 1 PS3 is sold it's enough to keep it from 100% market.

Maybe you want to ask "what's keeping the Wii from getting higher marketshare?" Well, they are doing everything to keep it growing. The marketshare on the Wii is too far up ahead, had the 360 launched at the same time the PS3 and the Wii did, it's be well over 50% by now.

Blacksaber said:
Blame the 360 and PS3.....



Phrancheyez said:
100% market share?

Thread fail of epic proportions.

my sentiment exactly

They can't capture the market of people who buy the X-Box 360 just so they can play a 1080p game on the $1500 TV they just overpaid for.