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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So what is your opinion on my new xbox live avatar?

I like it.... (it's in my sig)

What do you think of it?

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Avatars are a way to waste time if you are tired of playing games.

NeoRatt said:
Avatars are a way to waste time if you are tired of playing games.


 please dont go off topic on me

Lol. it looks like a girl with a guy's face and a girl's body.

Different, for sure.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Wierd lookin chick there, and to guy who dissed avatars.....dont be hatin homophobe.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

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Im going to do the same thing in Home so I can scare people



It looks something like what I made on PSHome.

It looks like an Avatar... They all end up just looking like Avatars.

They're the most boring things I've ever seen.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

In some ways I prefer Miis. They dont have as many features as Xbox Avataars, but there is more customization. For example you can make the eyes bigger or smaller, or move the mouth up and down. Having that makes it easier to make the face look the way I want. Avataars are more generic in that sense.

But I definitely like the variety of clothing available. And the jewelry was also a nice touch.

8/10 on the fuggly scale

Sorry, but not even close to a decent looking avatar. You can do better

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire