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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft recommends switching to a browser besides IE


You heard me, Microsoft are currently fixing a gaping security flaw in Internet Explorer, and recommend the use of a different web browser (they didn't specify any particular one) until a patch is available.


Who thinks there will be long term reprocussions from this? In my opinion, IE did so well because it comes on the computer already, and most people couldn't be bothered changing.


But now, many people will listen to MS's advice, try a new browser. If they like it, they will continue to use it. If they do not, then at least they are using IE because they want to, not just because they don't know about alternatives.


Sounds like good news to me :)

Around the Network

When I first heard of Firefox, I installed it and never went back to IE unless there was a problem viewing a page on Firefox.

Im too used to IE.. despite knowing firefox is superior(and I have it on my desktop), but I just cant get used to firefox.



Thank god I switched to Firefox earlier this year.

I've never looked back.

IllegalPaladin said:
When I first heard of Firefox, I installed it and never went back to IE unless there was a problem viewing a page on Firefox.

Same situation with me, you should do the switch Leo-J firefox loads faster and is in general better.


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Around the Network
IllegalPaladin said:
When I first heard of Firefox, I installed it and never went back to IE unless there was a problem viewing a page on Firefox.


Same here...

and now days IE crashes so much when I try to use it i'm fed up and never going back..

yea im just too lazy to try a different browser.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

Wtf, so i guess it good i recently went to opera then?

leo-j said:
Im too used to IE.. despite knowing firefox is superior(and I have it on my desktop), but I just cant get used to firefox.

B-But... IE is from Microsoft! :(

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Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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SHMUPGurus said:
leo-j said:
Im too used to IE.. despite knowing firefox is superior(and I have it on my desktop), but I just cant get used to firefox.

B-But... IE is from Microsoft! :(

And so is the Xbox 360, but its awesome. :P